It is Kicking in and then I received covid, because its not an election year. I tested another nurse and it was my idea, every case has had some stomach taste issues, then sore throat. That just only 25 or so I’ve dealt with Post pandemIc. I haven’t even kept up on the Virus because I don’t getupdates anymore to my in box. Boom , shes as + as you can be and I’m exposed , I don’t even n95 and stay away from patients if I can. 48 hours I get covid. I started with Hutech test 500 and Beligas Primo at 400 with some odds and ends… I cant let my stuff sit there with a couple cc’s , My Plan is to do a log when Im 4 weeks in and I am going to hit each brand with a 2 week window or If I do 8 with each SRC. It’ll be a year. But , This buy one get one will let me do For instance at least 6-8 of the pastors DHB, then Beligas , Then switch to Npp always with a test base. we shall see. Hutech, This one particular has good turna around and I like they keep domestic affordable.