SB Labs

New Forum Sponsor Savage Labs

savage is one of the top top sponsors I’ve worked with for years. I actually just caught up again with him this past week and plan to get a few items. I’ve used most the list from the test E and c to the eq400 or 500 whichever is is now I forget to the excellent teens and orals. His Cialis in some of the best I’ve ever had , even better then some pharma imo and his var is excellent too. Trust me he’s may not be very active of forums but when you email him he will get back you extremely fast and his ta I will guantaree rival most places especially the new ones who try using just that as they’re selling point. I can’t at enuff good things about Savage and his consistency and personal professioamlosm
In everything he does
savage is one of the top top sponsors I’ve worked with for years. I actually just caught up again with him this past week and plan to get a few items. I’ve used most the list from the test E and c to the eq400 or 500 whichever is is now I forget to the excellent teens and orals. His Cialis in some of the best I’ve ever had , even better then some pharma imo and his var is excellent too. Trust me he’s may not be very active of forums but when you email him he will get back you extremely fast and his ta I will guantaree rival most places especially the new ones who try using just that as they’re selling point. I can’t at enuff good things about Savage and his consistency and personal professioamlosm
In everything he does
Appreciate you taking the time to write this sir hope you’re having a stellar week!