SB Labs

New here, sup

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Thank you, ill leave that to the pros. I’ll just stick to lifting and eating for now.

And with the carbs what do you think I should do? I’m trying to stay around a gram per pound of protein and 40g of “added fat” I don’t count fat from carb or protein sources only from healthy fats like nuts, avocado, and oils. I forgot to mention that, but I try to stick to very lean protein, chicken, lean beef, more egg whites than yolks, etc… So, with protein and fat where they are, I just filled in carbs till I hit my calorie goal. And I went with less fat because I’m taking my hormones so I don’t need as much fat, and for my satiety.

If I lower carbs do you think i should up my fat to keep my calories the same?
Thank you, i will. I just want to take cycles to obtain that unobtainable physique. And I wanted to take stuff to help me get into a better BF faster and get in striking distance faster, so then I could run a cycle to try and get that unobtainable physique. But I know that’s not the right route to take gear to get to a point where gear would be necessary to continue. I am/was trying to find a way to still do that, I just don’t like being "natty’ but it’s most defiantly better for my health, longevity, and fertility.
Your right, Im just a big fan of low fat. I feel like it is much easier to get into and stay in a calorie deficient on low fat but for the sake of my hormones ill up it. What do you recommend for fat intake? I always did .4g per pound so for me 193*.4 ~ 80g fat. And for me, this would be only healthy fats for sources like:
● Avocado
● Almonds
● Cashews
● Walnuts
● Macadamia nuts
● Natural peanut butter
● Almond butter
● Macadamia nut butter
● Olive oil
● Sesame oil
● Borage oil
● Evening primrose oil
● Fish oil
● Flax oil
● Omega 3 complex
● MCT oil

I don’t like to count the fat in chicken or beef as it is not a “healthy fat” so I only track fat from these sources. so I know my calories will be slightly off but I stick with very lean protein and adjust macros, not calories.
Then you’re not tracking fat correctly??

I’m confused. Do you only count carbs from whole grains? Do the other carbs you count not count?

You don’t get to just not count something that you eat?
OnixRyu said:
I just don’t like being "natty’
This is concerning. This send up all kinds of red flags. What do you mean? Being enhanced isn’t some badge of honor or right of passage. The more we unpack here the more I’m certain you aren’t ready for enhanced lifestyle.
I wish I would have been natty and in gym for long time one thing I think going to limit natural will do is help agains injuries from enhanced life. Your body has already built the tendons for you to get the gains. When doig enhanced without th evade the muscles will take off while tendons are hangin on for dear life
well since I eat only very low fat I want them to be high quality is all. And sorry if that came off wrong. I will only do what is safe with my health in mind. I just like experimentation and knowledge. And I know it’s not a badge, but it is a route I plan on going down, I want to be a trainer and I need the experience. Sorry if I come off as i red flag but I do truly want to learn all that i can and be as safe as possible.
Brother you got to count every morsel you stuff down… the good the bad and the ugly.

I don’t like it either but that’s the only way to get an accurate count. I haven’t crossed the line to weighing my food yet…that’s the absolute.
Let me provide you with some perspective for the variety of responses you’re receiving:

I don’t think there are many people who looking back would make the same decisions starting out as we would now.

We’re trying to save you from a royal fuck up. This place is unique. We have guys competing, powerlifting, some old guys (@Poppy and @herrubermensch are ancient monks) some young guys with strong dedication. You won’t find another group of folks who want to help you, and give you their knowledge.

About once or twice a year we get young guys who come in wanting to blow the doors out with gear and won’t listen to anyone, they act like hopping on AAS is all the actually care about. They want to say they are juiced. Like it makes a fucking difference to anyone but themselves.

Please ask questions. Learn. Read. I encourage you to lean away from MPMD and vigorous Steve and into teamEvilGSP and Victor black. I fall more in-line with the extreme conservative mindset of Victor black but not everyone will.

In the end… it’s your body. It’s your choice. It will be your consequences.
I will say mpmd and vs are actually on the stay natty as long as possible and lowest possible dose train now. Another kid came up to me today. Asked me for advice. I told him ask the other guy at gym for technique advice as I’m just big and can lift heavy switch shit technique. But anything else I can tell from experience what not to do. I said if here me say I did or am doing probably steer clear haha
Welcome to the UGMuscle.

All great advice given.
No one here wants to see you mess up your hormones.
Going down this road of enhancement is not the same for everyone. Some people can pct and get back to normal levels. But some do not and have to be on TRT for the rest of their lives.
The best advice I could give if you choose this road is, less is more.
My diet is 90 % clean.
I’ve Been in the game a long time, since the early 90’s.

Diet is the key to having a lean physique.

You can’t out train a bad diet.
Thanks, man, I have loved all of the input from everyone. I’m happy everyone cares and does not want me to ruin my hormones. And you are right about it not being the same, my Test was 222ng/dl no drugs were taken at this point, cleaned up the diet, trained hard, did cardio, etc and it got to 356ng/dl. I then took some UGL test, I hope that hasn’t made the problem worse to where my natural levels will never be there again, but i hope my HCG and Enclom work.

I might make a second post with only Diet and Training (no talk of gear, we will leave that to the doctor) as the topic and get some of yall’s input if yall don’t mind.
that is my approach, I want to take the lowest dose possible I just don’t feel like HCG and Enclom are going to get me where I want with my Test levels but I have hope. I hope it works and my natural levels stay high and I can come off everything. But if it doesn’t then I might do TRT.

And if the HCG and Enclom work wonders I would like to later down the line when the time is right take a small little “TRT Plus” cycle and continue the HCG in that protocol then PCT and get back to the baseline. Only if the time and all other factors allow it, I hope to also have all of yall’s insight during that time. Thanks!
Thanks, I hope to learn a lot, and with your (and others) input, I have changed my mind on some matters. Im going to follow what the doctor says, and I’ll check on teamEVIL and Victor. thanks
I know and I do, I track all the calories but for a meal, if it says 37g protein i want that protein from only animal protein, a complete protein. And I’m not going to count the 5g of protein from my rice towards that 37g. but I do track its calories. same thing with fat. so far I’ve lost 17 pounds if it stops working ill make adjustments to macros.
Low sexy drive, felt weak, no morning wood, and I just one day went and got blood work and saw it was 222ng/dL so I tried for about 3 months to get it as high I could every natural way I could find and got it to 356ng/dL then tried to get a script for test, the doctor said no. I bought some UGL, then went to a online TRT clinic and now they got me on HCG and Enclom.
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