SB Labs

New here, sup

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Welcome to UGM. What are your macros exactly per day? What’s your routine consist of? You said you ran Test for 3 months and added Dbol. What did your PCT consist of and how long did you run it? @NeuroRN and @Aude_Aliquid_Dignu both gave you excellent advice that I myself would adhere to. Especially at 20 years old. I realize men are losing their natural Test production at a younger age now but this doesn’t usually occur until late 20’s and early 30’s.
I mean depends on goals haha. I’m over 20 and I’m right where I want to be. He did mention powerlifting. Then again if they had like a 285 class i May be a little bit leaner instead of pushing size to try and max out the division
Thank you I appreciate it. Like for real. I haven’t totally made up my mind. I have taken stuff in the past and want to in the future but I want to go about it the right way and stay healthy. I haven’t been very healthy my whole life, I was overweight and didn’t know anything. in the past 2 years, I have lost about 50 pounds. then I bulked up a little and did powerlifting but I’m now down 17 pounds in about a month (from 210 to 193) and plan to keep losing weight till I’m at healthy body fat. I say all this to say, I want to optimize the whole process, my diet, training, hormones, sleep, etc… and I’ve just fixated on the hormones as I feel that has the most depth (and I find it very interesting).

And please you don’t have to shut up, I’m here for dialogue!
I may be, and I apologize. Im just frustrated of feeling like crap and probably looked at the research with a bias. Im going to reach out to my doc and discuss this. I just want to take the tried and true test but ill wait and see how this plays out.
Hey! Ok, Im working on the weight loss diet is currently:

–Pre-Workout meal(8 am): Protein 37g, carbs 81g, 0 fat
Intra workout: 10 grams of EEAs, 25 grams of carb powder
–Post-Workout(12 am): Protein 37g, carbs 81g, 0 fat
–Lunch (4 pm): Protein 37g, carbs 55g, 13 fat
–Dinner (7 pm): Protein 37g, carbs 55g, 13 fat
–Bed-Time Shake (10 pm): 40g of whey casein blend
TOTALS: Protein 195g, Carbs: 296, Fat 39g Cals: 2316

1 High Day Per Week - Before Non Consecutive Training Day

–Pre-Workout meal(8 am): Protein 29g, carbs 86g, 0 fat
Intra workout: 20 grams of EEAs, 50 grams of carb powder
–Post-Workout(12 am): CHEAT MEAL OF CHOICE
–Lunch (4 pm): Protein 29g, carbs 129g, 0 fat
–Dinner (7 pm): Protein 29g, carbs 129g, 0 fat
–Bed-Time Shake (10 pm): 40g of whey casein blend
TOTALS: Protein 137g, Carbs: 394g, Fat 0g Cals: 2123(not including cheat meal)

Low Day (Non-Lifting Day after High Day)

–Meal 1 (8 am): Protein 37g, carbs 47g, 12 fat
–Meal 2 (12 am): Protein 37g, carbs 47g, 12 fat
–Lunch (4 pm): Protein 37g, carbs 47g, 18 fat
–Dinner (7 pm): Protein 37g, carbs 0g, 18 fat
–Bed-Time Shake (10 pm): 40g of whey casein blend
TOTALS: Protein 185g, Carbs: 141, Fat 60g Cals: 1844

My workout routine is from Dr. Mike Istretel from RP, and I believe is pretty on point. I do Push, Legs, rest, Pull, Push, Legs, Pull, repeat.

I get good sleep, I check my temp in the morning and I get a good 8-9 hours.

Lastly, I’ve never touched alcohol. My life is pretty dogmatic. I sleep 8-9 hours wake up and eat my meals on time and weighed out, train hard, and work as a server at night. I drink plenty of water.

Again I’ve said it a few times I’m not trying to justify myself want to give yall the information I can, I appreciate the help and your time.

May I ask why you advise me not to take test? My thought process is I’m naturally low, and I’m dieting so hormones are not going to be on point. Plus I had to eventually blast (by blast I mean take 200 and titrate up to maybe 400-500 once I have stopped making good gains on my “TRT plus” of 200). I plan on competing in BodyBuilding and i just see it as inevitable to take test.

But, for now, I do plan on staying on HCG and Enclom till the supply runs out and get blood work done and come off and see where my levels end up after coming off.
I know it is a hard spot to be in, I was doing the vertical diet and eating at 2800, but my hormones did not get better and my weight did not move. I then got HCG and Enclom so since I was getting my hormones from an outside source I changed the diet to prioritize fat loss while retaining muscle. Don’t worry I try to take all the vitamins and minerals I’m deficient in, I know it is not optimal, but this diet is cheaper and easier. Do you think i instead should go back to the vertical diet and focus on micros?
I used RP for many years, have been using them since the beginning of their company.

Your diet doesn’t look like you should be 20%. It is possible you’re forgetting to count some intake somewhere?

I understand that test feels inevitable.

Why wait? YOU ARE TWENTY YEARS OLD. If you live to 80, that’s 6,240 needle sticks at a minimum if you start trt now.

You say you don’t want kids now, I’ll repeat that the longer you replace your test with exogenous test the less likely you are to retain fertility. That’s tough starting at 20.

You want to brew your own to save money “bc you’re a broke college kid” if you’re broke. This shit isn’t for you. Point blank. There’s so much money that HAS to be spent to do this correctly.

Lab work q3 months.
Other Ancillary meds.
Doctors apt.

Not to mention importing raw powders will get you in the clink well before ordering oils domestic. And for much longer.

You’re twenty. The answer for low t and twenty isn’t the same at 30 or 40. This isn’t one size fits all. We’re all genetically unique. And at twenty… the correct therapy is getting your natural production back. Not squashing it.
Second time youve mentioned cheaper.

This life is not cheap. At all. Ever. The food alone is the primary cost of this life. It should be double or triple your gear budget. I don’t think you have the financial stability to start down this road.
Only few more weeks till I drop some weight again. If I can get back down to 280 by October I think I’ll look great for bday. Not doing The 24 pounds in 3 weeks again
My diet has been in place for about a month and I’m down 17 pounds, I will keep yall updated and my weight over the months but I’m going to get sub 15% in the near future. And your right about TRT I want kids in the future and don’t want to ruin those chances now. I know I’ve been saying “Broke college kid,” I say that in truth and as a joke. I make good money as a server (500-600 a week) and my parents pay for my living expense luckily, so the only money I spend is on food, and supplements. Im just dead set on saving money and plan on investing in real estate. Im 100% ok with spending the necessary money to do this. And the homebrewing was more of a thought, the idea and execution are just fun; I love science. But I will only stick with doctor-prescribed medicine and maybe oils domestically if absolutely needed.

And thank you. I just hope my natural production comes back up. I just always saw it as low, and never rising back up natty.
Just getting back here. There’s nothing “legal” about this stuff outside of scripted medicine. Some routes carry a hefty penalty. Best to leave the cooking to someone else. That crosses the line in a big way as @NeuroRN stated.

Be patient young man. Take all this one step at a time and stick around.

Your body recomp is commendable and shows that you have some grit. Let’s just slow the roll and wait for labs. In the mean while… hit the weight stack hard.

Imo… your carbs are a little high but I view it through a different lens.
Good on you for being open and listening!

*Your Free Test is the important number.
*Live the life of Dieting for your goals, Lifting to develop muscle, and Cardio to reduce fat for a year or two.
*Listen to your doctors for that time as they will help you with your hormone levels causing the least amount of harm.
*You WILL feel better, look better, and be stronger than you are today.

This stuff ain’t Magic, it’s the premium fuel for a well built, mature, road tested engine.
Now go build that engine “Son”…Take your time and be patient.
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