SB Labs

New here, sup

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Listen to your doctors man, and listen to @NeuroRN @Aude_Aliquid_Dignu. You’re 20. 50 plus years of TRT is a pain in the ass. Give the HCG and enclomiphene a legit run and see if you can recovery your test production. Combine with losing some BF you could see great results. If you hop right on TRT you definitely will crush your natural test and likely have to be on for life.
Late to this party, but I do think it is weird that your total test is so low at 20 years old. My levels were higher than that at 52 when I restarted TRT. At 20, I was covered in body oil, zits, aggression, and cum from my five-times daily masturbation. So I suspect you do have SOME sort of physical malady that needs to be addressed by a doctor. Any doctor who says 356ng/dl of total test is normal for 20 year old is smoking some really good stuff. This is NOT a suggestion that TRT is right for you at 20 years old. That diagnosis would be the rare exception, not the rule, and would IMHO need to be based on some identifiable physical malady that cannot be resolved. I like the HCG; without being burdened with facts, HCG would seem to hold the greatest promise to return you to normal functioning, which IMHO should be at least 500ng/dl.

Now I’m going to say something that may differ from what some others here would say: If you try whatever protocol(s) your doctors prescribe for 12-18 months without seeing a material increase in your test, then and only then would I resort to TRT. From what you have said, this seems unlikely, as you increased your total test from the 250 range to the 350 range pretty quickly. My guess is that your doctors will be able to do even better, assuming they know what they are doing. But I would not want to live the rest of my life with 350ng/dl of total test, and for me, if that meant going on lifetime TRT at 21, I would do it. But that prescription is not necessarily the right one for you, especially if you are relatively broke ($5-600 a week as a server is poverty level, my friend; if you had to cover your living expenses, you would have great difficulty doing so).
Thanks for you input, it’s my plan to follow my doctors protocol and see what happens and if I have to do TRT then I will. I truly hope the HCG can get my levels to 800+.

And when it comes to the money I don’t know where y’all live but I’m in a little town in SC and my bills are paid for while I’m in college so that’s not a problem fortunately!

I greatly appreciate your input! If you don’t mind I made another post about only Diet and Training if you don’t mind talking a look.
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