New Log, Strongman Competition Training

Took the weekend off to recoup, hit chest and log last night. Was feeling good so did a Max on bench just because and hit a new PR! Log was tough after! But did some higher reps and worked on form and pushing through with my legs.
After log did some high rep incline dumbbell benches, my arms were actually shaking.
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Tonight, man I’m sore af, squats 5x5 with a lighter weight for warm up. Stones, fucking stones, 5x5 with only 175 though I did attempt the 225 stone lapped it, couldn’t heave it up.
I hear that you kinda regress a bit till your body adapts, then start making gains. Hope that’s the case cause I feel like a weak tit!
Yep that was my experience and I hate to spoil it for ya but strength gains leave quick af. But all the structures are built so you can catch up. I’m so fuckin weak now comparatively 2 1 month ago it’s sad. But I know with the right schedule and equip I’ll be back in 15 days…or 20 😂
The burn from the lactic acid and soreness in my muscles are my favorite part. I love that shit. I’ve laid in the floor at the gym with my legs on fire, rubbing them, and laughing at the same time enjoying the pain.
Yesterday, farmers walk with cans for about 45 min till my grip just couldn’t hang on anymore.
Sore and irritable today lol, damn cans.
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Today was tire flips, took last 2 days off, was sore, tired and cranky, my body needed to recoup.

600 lb tire flips, slight incline one way was able to sling together a good 6 flips in a row a few times, did about an hour’s worth with lots of rest between.
Well, Monday I tore a muscle in my shoulder, Wednesday tore a muscle in my bicep so it’s been a trying week.

Did some light log presses today really focusing on form. Was kinda pissed I couldn’t do farmers walk yesterday due to the bicep issue, I realized I need to up my electrolytes and dial in my diet more.

Also need to check my ego and stop trying to keep up with the guys who have been doing it for years. Even though I know form first, sometimes it takes a lesson to remind ya, well I got that lesson, won’t make the same mistakes twice.

3 months out from competition, I know I won’t place first, but I’ll give er’ all I got.
Thanks man, first time training like this, have always leaned more towards bodybuilding, it’s fun trying something new, but stones, logs, tires, is a whole nother animal.
Good, I need to eat more, still have that nagging bicep injury, so haven’t been able to do stones or farmer carries.

Log has been progressing, went for 225, just couldn’t clean it up to the chest but it’s getting closer.

Been working on explosive movements in my other lifts, was squatting 375 and exploded up on my first rep and damn near lost my balance as my feet left the floor a little lol.

Not feeling it as much with the npp, but I think it’s diet related, need to up the calories.
Powerlifting it’s all about calories. Pretty much eat lots of food. 😂. I got to tell you. Before heavy lifts. When I knew I was going for PRs. Lots of eggs. Steak. Potatoes. Carbs. Nothing too dirty. But lots of them.