New Log, Strongman Competition Training

You may find this dumb but it works. Don’t stretch much before you train. Warm up yes but don’t stretch, the science behind this can be found on athleanx YouTube channel. It bc basically our essential movement is bluprinted from toddler age. There’s a big smart person word for it but anyway youl run into more pulled muscles and hyperextens if you stretch pre heavy workouts. Just a thought
Yeah I’d wait if I were doing what your doing. Your brain is programed for so many degrees of range of motion in say a squat, but when you stretch prior to lifting then you have an additional say 15 degrees that your brain has to get use to, compounded w heavy ass weights, you can ask more of yourself than your ready for. Just my 2c if I could link that video I would buddy
Monday, log Press, bicep is still tender stopped going up in bench and did some higher reps, log went decent, closer on being able to clean the 225 up, but still a bit short, after log did some back work with bent over dumbbell rows, and shrugs.
July, but if it gets cancelled, there is a bigger competition near Madison, WI I might do, in late August, that one gets a lot more people, so kinda hesitant, I don’t want to look like a tool lol.
If you train till then I’d be willing to wager you’d be far from the bottom. Like every other competitive game there’s always those who show up cause they have never been around talent lol. Remember pros vs joes?
Ohh ya I remember those lol, guys I’ve been training with have already said I’ve passed some of the other guys that compete. I’m really enjoying it, and I feel a lot stronger, the 150 stone I did today just for reps and it felt really light.
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Don’t think of it that way brother everyone at every competition started somewhere even if you came in last that only means the second contest you can only do better and you will because you are putting in the work. Don’t doubt yourself I believe that you will do better than you think.
Keep it positive and keep pushing forward as long as you don’t hurt that arm anymore.

Good luck and good gains brother
Yesterday did light cans of 120 pounds each, bicep could handle that weight, so just walked farther, also did some heavy leg presses before hand.

Tonight, did some strict military presses worked up to 175lbs for 2-3 reps which is good for me! Definitely getting stronger! Finished off with some kneeling single overhead dumbbell presses 4 sets @ 8-10 reps.

Also did bench before military presses, didn’t go to heavy, but 275 is going up with explosive power now and for about 7-8 reps.