SB Labs

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Hey guys I’m pretty new to all this. I use to lift years ago and just recent found myself getti g back into the gym. I have a pretty demanding job so it has truely help keep me in shape and as for diet I have always eat clean. I’m 35 years old 5 6 164lbs. As far as body fat I have abs and no love handles so I’m going to say no more then 15 and no less the. 10. I’m am on trt 200mg a week. But have been on a blast for 5 weeks at 550mg test c , 400 eq divide up twice a week . 1st 4 weeks i also ran dbol 35 mg a day. Doing this blast for 16 weeks. Calories is about 3100 but am goi g to have to raise them a little so prob will go up to 3300 starti g this week. This is my first blast and i am already thinking about my 2nd which will prob be around Feb or March. I am looking g to put on 10 to 15 lbs of lean muscle and I am pretty sure I can achieve this. I do find it hard to eat enough calories while maintaining a clean diet.
Don’t set yourself up for failure brother. 10-15lbs in 16 weeks of actual muscle is virtually impossible. You may gain 10-15lbs but actual muscle may be a lot less. Put 100% into all the aspects in your control on cycle and be grateful for the return you receive… whatever it is.

False expectations are premature resentment! 😉

Best of luck and look forward to any or all updates you wish to share.
Thanks I dont know what to exspect. if I gain 5 lbs I will be happy. I lift because I enjoy doing it and just decided to play around and see where it takes me. If I gain nothing I will not be disappointed as long as I learn from it.
About what is possibly as far as gains on a 1st cycle. I know each and every person is different,diets is a huge contributing factor as well as life style. I am curious to wh as t a person can or should gain so as the end of this cycle I can judge myself and see where I stand…
Diet will determine how much you gain along with how hard you train, supplementation, genetics, rest, you have to put 100% effort into every piece of the puzzle. Do you track your diet? Weigh your food? Eat the same thing everyday? Know how to manipulate your macros depending on if you are gaining too much fat or not gaining at all? You should have a great understanding of the basics before getting on a blast. I believe that diet alone is 90% of the game. It will make or break your goals. If you arent weighing out and measuring your food every meal everyday than you will be cutting yourself way short on what you could accomplish.
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Sense you mentioned it I actually just bought a scale Saturday. Up until then I was trying to guess but decided to start being more precise. I do know the basics but not much more… I eat chicken breast, Tuna, Salmon, eggs, turkey breast, rice, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, bananas, whole breads, greek yogurt, beans,steak, almond , oatmeal, blue berries whey protein after workout. Eating healthy is the easy part. Eating enough I think is the hardest far as work… I work harder then most people and it’s not to get big or to prove anything g it’s just the way I have always been. I never was a very big guy so when it came to sports and things I had to out work the other to get to play so I guess it’s just something I got used to doing and now it’s just a part of who I am and the way I am.
Then you have the work ethic to make whatever you want a reality bro just focus on the nutritional end of it and learn your body and how it responds to dietary changes you make. Try to eat 5-6 well balanced meals and get the app myfitnesspal and track your calories. This will help tremendously to get you where you need to be food wise. Hope this helps and best of luck on the gains my bro
Thanks… I actually use a Samsung health app to track my food. I had been just eye balling my food serving but now I have them all weighed out and my servings are accurate. I eat 6 meals a day… I am 5 weeks in this cycle and i am seeing results already. I just want my body to show how hard I work and how strict I do diet and no matter how strong or how big isnt really my goal. I mean I do want to make gains in both size a strength but i am a firm believe that as long as I put in the work the result will come. … thanks guys for taking time out of your day and even reading my intro. I hope one day I may be able to give the advice but as for now I am the one reading trying to absorb all this in so I dont make the same mistakes that you guys have made… again thanks
I just started using a calorie counter my old lady uses, a big help for sure. Its amazing how much space protein takes up! Often I think I’ve eaten so much protein only to see I’m a chicken breast and shake shy of my daily goal. I really like the lean Bruce Lee lean ripped look, and just can’t seem to eat enough to get any bigger than I actually am, so I feel you on your goals. Also it seems easier to keep muscle when I’m not 20lbs over my natural weight. I like getting big and feeling my clothes get tighter, but performance/aesthetic goals are my main concern. How long are you planning on running the EQ? Its an under appreciated compound IMO, not for huge gains, but it works. I’d be interested in low dose EQ cruise.
Going to run it at least 16 weeks and really thinking about 20… I have to lower my test dose at 16 weeks so my bloods for my trt dr wont come in to high. But I may go head and continue to run the eq for 20 weeks. I just have to make sure it doesn’t raise my t levels and I’m thinking I read that it wont…my dr is cool with my levels being g around 1400 so i can wait a little over a weeks on my last pins for bloods and i will be fine
What is your weekly test dosage to keep bloods around 1400?

Last time I ran a big long cycle with EQ it was a great cycle but right around 13 weeks I started getting big nasty acne on my chest and decided to come off, sides got bad fast (just acne not mood). Surely the masteron and test were the culprits, not EQ. The clomid seemed to make things worse before they get better. Feeling like being on the rag for a month really sucks, TRT is the only way to fly!

Is the EQ having affect on your appetite? That is one of its best qualities, eating like a horse. I would get up in the middle of the night and eat an entire box of cereal.
This is my first cycle. My last bloods I knew my levels were going to be high because I had just started the cycle. I didn’t pin for 6 days and my levels came in just under 1450. I’m on 200mg week for trt. I had been on 500 tes c. 400 eq week spit into 2 pins and 30mg dbol ed… I read that EQ and dbol doesnt effect you test so I just didn’t pin any tes for 6 days as far as side just a little acne on lower back when I first raised my tes it seems like it has started clearing up… I eat every 3 hrs but before I was forcing feeding and now it doesnt seem as bad. Im starting to get nose bleeds thought it was high blood pressure but I have been keeping eye on it and it’s nothing abnormal. I use to have nose bleeds when I was younger but it hasn’t happen in years. I’m do to donate blood in a couple weeks so it should help.
At 400mg/ wk Test levels should be considerably higher than 1400, over 2K for sure. If you took a blood test 2 weeks into a cycle that is a waste IMO, you aren’t going to get a reflection of your TRT because of increased testosterone and you won’t get a good read on your cycle levels because they haven’t built up to plateau level yet. On 200mg/wk I’m well over 1K on my testosterone, 150 keeps me up around the 900s. You are correct in waiting 6 days after your shot to get a blood test. In spite of esterification, T levels do spike after 24 hours. 6 days from injection isn’t going to be detrimental to your test, thats right where you want to take it.
I too find acne increases with a drop in test levels due to estrogen spiking.
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I had to dfo the blood for my dr and the reason I did it like that because I dont have to do another blood for now till I’ve completed this cycle…
Just replying to your PM here as others might find it useful.

Just look up a medical clinic in your area that is covered by your insurance. I learned the hard way that its important to see what kind of labs your insurance covers. Mine was only onsite labs, so make sure your labs are covered. Just go in and tell them you want a full hormone panel. I am way past asking permission from Drs. they are a bunch of assholes for the most part. When you call on the phone ask them about in house labs and make an appointment just for blood work. Don’t take no or any Dr nonsense for an answer, its your health and your insurance, you have every right to get blood work done.

My cycles are usually 6-8 week blast with 3-6 months off between, Tren is generally the only long ester I use in blasts and it is at a fairly low dose but I run the vial out so it will outlast my blast by 2-3 weeks making it 10 weeks or so of Tren E. Not sure how many I’ve run, Im a bit over 40 now and ran my first cycle when I was about 29. It was a monster cycle before I was on TRT (started TRT at 38) now with TRT I find it better to run shorter more mild cycles more frequently. But yeah, just fuck the Dr and tell them you want a hormone panel. Its funny when you go in knowing exactly what you need (as long as its not a drug) Drs are sometimes irritated but fuck them. You have every right to know what your blood work is, I’ve had Drs actually resist showing me the papers, they acted like I was too dumb to understand it or somehow if I saw what it was I’d do something crazy??? Just stand firm and don’t be rude, but don’t take their shit either. Its your blood, your blood work, your insurance… They are barely part of the equation, maybe that is why they act like assholes.

What online clinic to do you use and how much is it per month? I live in a middle nowhere state (literally nothing here state wide, not even a real airport). So finding a decent HRT doc is virtually impossible.
You can just post your questions in the thread instead of PMing me, so others can see whats up.
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XXXX medical center…195 month… I’m on 200 mg 1000mg hcg 1 mg armidex weekly I do two pins week.

Edited for security. @Dmsmith be cautious what you disclose in an open forum. @jymbo be cautious of what information you request members to disclose in open forum. Don’t leave a trail of bread crumbs for the vermin to follow you home. 😉
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