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Newbie tip for growing your arms. biceps and triceps

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Staff member
Just a tip since I don’t think I post enough from my older days. I was extremely strong vs my size and weight and I think I give credit to the older training principles i followed. We had different concepts back in the 90s that worked. You older guys may remember some. You have 2 different muscle fibers. Fast twitch and slow twitch. Work both.

I used to do a daily morning workout. It was one set to failure for biceps. One for back. Three for triceps. One chest (off the couch on incline with dumbells). The strongest guy i knew did pullups and pushups to failure every morning. Then workout at evening. I adapted from that. Medium weight. To start the day. Don’t go to heavy. This was before my split workouts or when I didn’t do my early morning workouts.

Triceps have 3 sections so One exercise for each.

Go heavy. Always log your workouts and never accept anything less then the previous workout for same…
Going too heavy at the wrong time will fuck with your workout. Know your body and know when you’re ready. Using smelling salts if you can’t focus. You’ll be amazed how my much more you can lift under the right conditions mentally.

We used to workout with straps. And put some ammonia on it and sniff it when needed. So it doesn’t look like popping salts. When you see someone about to lift heavy and rubbing their nose with their strap they’re sniffing.
Do NOT neglect your forearms. Several times a week. You have to get that grip. Use hand grips while driving and when bored. Some grips made for rock climbers. Make it into a game. You can’t control heavy weights or pulling without a strong grip. When I was pulling semi trucks you wouldn’t believe how much the forearms were burning.

Curl with forearms on preacher bench or off the flat bench. Then stand and work both outer and inner sides. Forearms are like calves. Push then. They’re used so much in normal activities you need to push them harder.
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Don’t neglect the basics. Use dumbells and use control. Form. Kickbacks people don’t like cause it makes them feel weak. Keep that elbow in and in control. Twist at the end. It will help and you’ll notice it in other lifts.
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Concentration curls are great. But standing with the right form you can focus on bringing to inside, outside and middle.

When you get used to your core stable spot yourself if you don’t have a partner and get the negatives in. Negs are important.
Kettle bells takes this to another level lol. Love that feeling. Most people dont notice how weak their forearms really are if they arent training them.
I was honestly shocked how much I struggled curling kettlebells. But now they are going to be a staple.
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