Next cycle coming up thoughts on NPP

Did you get labs after? I’m interested in your lipid and liver enzyme levels after that combo? What, if any, ancillary liver and lipid support did you use?
Tren just has the ability to make dangerous men do things that they may not do had they not been on it. I mean let’s be real obviously we’re playing with fire. I came to this forum when I started powerlifting a year ago. Prior to that I was a fighter. I was on a pro MMA team. I fought in the cage for years, Muay Thai, MMA and competed in high end BJJ tournaments. When I was on tren I lost my shit and beat somebody up BAD. And could have lost my entire family because of it. I already have a bad record so the assault charge I would have caught would not have been first offense. On top of how bad the breaks in the face were. He never pressed charges but had he done it, I would have lost everything.
I didn’t give you my back ground either as a “look at me I’m a bad ass” type of thing, just giving you insight on why it is just not something I personally should be messing with.
Exactly, and my first cycle ever I ran deca and test and had no anger issues. So I’ll stick to what does best for me and my mentality and still have the ability to be in this community and a good man at home😁
I’m gonna tell you exactly what someone told me… and this is important…

I appreciate your honesty. I appreciate the guts to say that. I thought you were going to talk about sexual side effects. Which is why I asked, BUT since you went a different direction and I asked I will tell you what was said to me:

Gear can’t make you do something you were already willing to do. It exposes the truth. If you’re annoyed with your wife and the way she chews her food tren especially will make you more irritated by it. Tren cant make you an asshole and it can’t make you annoyed. You (the general use not you specifically) were already and asshole and already annoyed.

I don’t say that to make light of anything or diminish what you’re saying. I say that because it’s important to know that this is true for all gear. All of it. And it’s even more important to not allow ourselves to use gear as the whipping boy for our behavior.

I say this after just having my wife tell me to stop taking super D. Bc I allowed it to control me rather than myself control my emotions.

I’m so glad you seem to have leaned from this and are wanting to make the progress necessary. But I also this is important for all of us to remember.

Thank you for being honest and giving all of us something to learn from and think about. I appreciate you.
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Just a heads up and this is why I hate dietary supplements

You need to combine Tudca and taurine to get the pro-compound effects of UDCA or Ursodeoxycholic acid which is what helps with lipids.
Tudca helps with a couple different things but for the best effects they need to be combined.
NeuroRN said:
Gear can’t make you do something you were already willing to do. It exposes the truth. If you’re annoyed with your wife and the way she chews her food tren especially will make you more irritated by it. Tren can make you an asshole and it can’t make you annoyed. You (the general use not you specifically) were already and asshole and already annoyed.
I believe this also that gear brings out the underlying problems but with certain people and I will use myself as an example especially with mental health issues its important to remember that this will all get brought to the surface and released. You will not be able to control mental illness while running hormones without medication from a doctors care. You can become very violent you can become very depressed. Be very careful if you have any pre existing conditions no matter what type of health if you plan on using hormones doctor supervision is an excellent choice.

This isn’t for @NeuroRN or @Jsween94 just a PSA for everyone and anyone reading this thread
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You’re 100% right. I’m a loose cannon I have been my entire life. Since I have been this way my entire life I have learned as I’ve grown older how to not get out of the truck in a road rage. How not to go check someone because they’re mean mugging at a bar. BUT I have not had 27 years of experience with tren added onto that if that makes any sense lol
Your dam right when I first met my wife before ever touching test, her chewing made me want to kill her, even with her mouth closed
Chewing mouth noises are the only things that make me irrationally angry. I’m quite level headed, but you chew loudly and I’m ready to watch you die a slow painful death. That’s how I knew my wife was right about super D. I got mad at the puppy for drinking water too loud 😂😂 that’s a new low.