Next cycle coming up thoughts on NPP

Haha I know. I quit taking it the next day.

It’s definitely potent stuff. There’s no doubt. I loved it in the gym. Strong as hell, good endurance. But it’s the only thing that changed my mood so much my wife asked me to stop.

She keeps what I call the ultimate veto card. At any time, during any cycle, she can tell me to stop what I’m taking bc it’s effecting our home life and it’s a no questions asked agreement that I will. It keeps the playing field even in my opinion.
Okay okay to be clear. I gave him a bowl full of whip cream, and some apples (his favorite snack) after I got annoyed with him.
It causes me to evaluate my response to certain things when I know I’m being short tempered on a cycle. And gives me the opportunity to correct my mindset.

The key is being willing to end the cycle on the spot. Or stop whatever was new addition. It won’t work if you argue about it 😂😂
That’s when I knew super paranoia was hitting when I thought my dog drinking wate was
Too loud to be her so it must be drug dog drinking it yeah chewing and what not get to me.
My Male and female are night n day literally ones brown ones white ones around a 100 the other low 60’s
They always are. Last female we fostered had all three of our boys (smallest is 85lb) backed into one corner… she was 55lbs.
Test, npp, var is my absolutel favorite cycle hands down. Tbol in the beginning is gonna be awesome. @Bigmurph nailed the fuck outta that protocol. And i have ran sust with npp, and it went great. I never knew about the tourine and tudca combination being so important, other then the taurine in my energy drinks, i havent been adding any additional. Does this mean ive been basically getting no effect from my tudca? Ive been fortunate that my enzymes come back normal, however i havent taken any orals in a while, but I still run the tudca through out all cycles even qith no orals as part as my overall cycle support protocol. Thank ypu so much for the info murph. And a quick side note on the yest/npp/ var, and why its my favorite. The gains are clean, the sides are minimal, and the aesthetic i get from it while on is the best combination of lean and full i get on a cycle thats not a prep cycle.
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