Next cycle coming up thoughts on NPP

Yeah, I’d follow @Bigmurph 's layout to the T. Tbol up front, var starting week 11, but not together, and like he mentioned just keep an eye on your liver enzymes. Var is far less toxic than most, but is still methylated.
@Dirtnasty , I actually just watched a video by the anabolic doc on var and kidneys. He said he never saw a patient with kidney failure due to Var, but still unsure on how it affects creatinin levels. It was the first time i learned it was metabolized by the kidneys and not the liver, but still has an acute effect on liver enzymes. For as long as I’ve used var, I’m embarassed it was the first i learned of its stress on the kidneys.
For me it’s more random, it might kick off with test and proviron or I might not use it for two months
And I get to work with her and she’s literally the most badass icu nurse I’ve ever known. When she says your patient needs “XYZ” I think I’ve seen her be wrong maybe 3 times in 4 years.

I literally fell in love with her watching her run a room of a crashing patient. Just took charge and brought the patient back to life. I was like dayyuuuuuum I’m gonna marry that girl. And here we are.
I’m 3 weeks into a sust900/npp300 cycle right now. Didn’t start the Npp till a week later tho cause the NPP I had originally turned out to be Deca. Also planning on Anavar at the end possibly Dbol if I’m not holding to much water. I have enough npp that I may bump it by about 100 in a few weeks. So far it’s good, gaining a reasonable amount of weight probably up 3 or 4 pounds so far about 10% stronger. Last few days I’m just starting to notice the fullness/roundness associated with nandrolone.
Learning is a good thing @Rocco7 and you don’t gotta be embarrassed, now you know, research more,it would be more embarrassing if you didn’t learn from this.
Hahaha I’ll save ya a trip to the surgeon/doctor…”mister BigMurph, you’re not 19 years old anymore…time you start slowing down just a bit”.

It cost me several copays to hear that.