Next cycle help guys

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So I’ve been reading around and was thinking of adding npp. Been back and consultant for a month or so now since letting my shoulder heal. I’m sitting at 208. Right now and just in my trt dose. My shoulder feels 100% percent better. Who would of thought taking a break would help lol but I’m wanting to Lean back out for the new year and vacation in a couple months I was just wondering what everyone’s opinions would be for test/ mast/ and npp. Last time I did I just did test, 500 and mast 400. Lean pic is 190lbs the last one I had saved cause I got a new phone. And the other one is current

Fucking shoulder genetics can’t train them look gray as fuck haha. I don’t see why jot add npp as long as dirt is there and I’m sure it will be
I’d add Stanzanol if you are looking to lean out
Yeah you looked amazing man! I remember seeing the pics. Will that have any effect on joints? I was reading something about it. I don’t have any bad pains. Anymore besides my elbow. But now it only hurts on certain things which is mainly pull ups. I can’t do em or it feels like I’m tearing my elbow. And it’s the one thing I want to do lol
I have never had that issue while using it and I’ve not known anyone personally that had that issue. That said it can be a side effect. I’d recommend just staying well hydrated
Yeah I figured I’d ask first tho lol I know to always ask you guys things. I wouldn’t of made it this for all this time without y’all helping me :muscle:t3:
Xpliot said:
Anymore besides my elbow. But now it only hurts on certain things which is mainly pull ups
An old guy meathead saying is “if it hurts don’t do it”.

Maybe think about working around pullups until elbow heals…. You’re young brother, don’t do lifelong damage to your body needlessly. Save it for rescuing a baby out of a burning building or carrying and old person to safety.

You’ll heal up and be doing pullups in no time.

My 2c
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I don’t do pull ups. at all. I want to but never have been able to cause it hurts my elbow. Everything else tho feels fine.
Yeah lay off is in. A couple weeks gonna have it looked. I’ve always gotten the injections but it doesn’t help for more then a week
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