SB Labs

“No Ester Oils” What are they?

BrandonIron said:
Also thanks to everyone on this site, especially all of the admins and moderators for all of the advice. My in person coach was not giving me good advice, and I would’ve never known better had it not been for this site. You guys all rock, and it’s an honor to be a part of this group.
Thank you sincerely brother I really appreciate you saying that
Yeah I felt the release for sure.

Next time I pin I’m gonna go to the pharmacy and use one of their sit down bp testers.

That’s the kind of knowledge and advice I’ve been talking about. People that didn’t care about the health of others would not even bring that up. That’s why I’m so appreciative of this site. Y’all rock.
Im actually curious about where your bp will be at after injection. I like to compare things like this if someone else were running the base blend it would be great to have 2 samples from 2 members.

We need someone to volunteer to also run the blend lol
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