SB Labs

November 1st installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Lol well glad you’re back posting the morning breakfast on here brother. Always good to hear from you bright and early. I been on a cut and doing 2cups oat with fruit in am, 2meals of 8oz turkey/1cuprice/1cup veggies then winging it for dinners with 8oz of either chicken or steak, sweet potatoe veggies. Just hit shoulders and some DLs then sat in the sauna for 30 mins
I’m on 2 g of test and have only jacked 3 times in past two months sex hasn’t been that much either. I think my issues that arise from stress juat make me not even want any sex anymore really
Haha most def gonna try to. New job has me in the office 9-5. Big fuckin change I been working from home rolling out of bed in my boxers at 9am for 2 years haha. Getting used to the morning routine, waking up, commute. All that fun shit. Might have to incorporate one of your breakfast cheesesteaks for the ride in when this “cut” is over
Morning my guy. Back in the gym today for a little bike work and did some training with my right arm and shoulder plus a little lower body. Cut carbs way back so hopefully I don’t get too fat while rehabbing
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