Good morning all.Its nice out 45.Breakfast was sesame bagel plain,protein shake,4 HB eggs,no yolk,grapes,water and coffee.shoulder/traps…Today I am grateful for the support I receive here,and in the rest of my life.
6 ounces shrimp, 8oz steak, and 4 ounce sweet potato to start the day hit back this morning. Trying everything to feel my kata more. It’s the hardest thing for me for some reason. No cardio today tho. I popped my hip a couple weeks ago and it’s been killing me ever since. I’m always hurting some how lmao :man_facepalming:t2:
Everything bagel, 3/4 of oatmeal with 12 oz of fairlife milk. 1/2cup cottage cheese with triscutts. Yogurt. 4oz of chicken breast with rice. 8 oz of chicken on 2 wraps.
Not sure what I’m going to train tonight
Ya it’s been a few months or so. life got super busy for awhile and it was hard to find time for anything with all the long hours na severe thing happening.
Thats the way it goes you ever notice life will be smooth almost boring and you decide to step up your training and do a good cycle and little shit just comes undone
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