SB Labs

NPP smell from bottle

Lol I love that smell to, some of my tren doesn’t have a
smell but the stuff I got years ago you could taste it after you pinned. I also heard it depends on the purity of the raws used can effect how pungent the smell is.
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Lol man a ran tren recently and fuck I had to was my sheets and pillows daily bcz of the would soak my pillows all the way through. Best I can describe it is when I woke in the middle the night it was like I hop out of the shower and in to bed without drying off first. My wife wasn’t very pleased lol so I cut that cycle short. I just mention it bcz I remember how you were telling us about it awhile ago.
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Yessir!! Our agreement is I do laundry if I run tren. The amount piles up two three times as fast.

I have some tren E I inherited by mistake, I may try that out and see if it’s as harsh. Tren A is a cruel mistress.
Lol Yeah I’ll have to try ace next time bcz I was using tren e when that I ran that cycle.

Anyways how you been bro, I imagine you working the night shift, didn’t you say you transferred to cardiovascular or was it trumma?
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I’m good brother! I’m in heart and lung transplant right now. Night shifting away. It’s a pretty slow pace on this unit which is nice for a little bit.
That’s great bro. Somtimes the slow pace Is nice I kow you guys can get slammed . I did ight shift for many years and I love it, not a lot of people out and about when your working or going home.