NPP Twelve Week Cycle Log

I’m already feeling like tomorrow
Is a rest day or I’ll do shoulders then legs friday arms Saturday
Thursday 12/2/2021 Back And Shoulders Hypertrophy
Cable Seated Row 3×12
T Bar Row 2×15
Close Grip Lat Pull-down 2×15
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3×15
Dumbbell Upright Row 2×15
Superset Front/Lateral Raise 2×15
Barbell Shrugs 2×15
Monday 12/6/2021 Upper Body Power
Barbell Bent Over Row 3×5-205, 225,235
Wide Grip Lat Pull-down 2×10-170,180
Dumbell Flat Bench 3×5-100,110,120
Chest Fly Machine 2×10-160,170
Dumbell Shoulder Press 3×10-60,70,80
Preacher Curl Machine 3×10-100,110,120
Triceps Extension Machine 3×12-80,90,100
Barbell Shrugs 3×15-225,235,245
Push Ups 50 PreWorkout 50 PostWorkout
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Just a little update on my Nandrolone Decaonate cycle. Today marks the beginning of week 19 of a 20 week cycle. I only ran my Test at 500mg per week and Deca at 300mg per week. Never really held any water the majority of the cycle until I added the MK-677. I did like the MK quite a bit. Ran 3 weeks of it 10mg of a morning and night. Then 3 weeks of 20mg per morning. I liked the 20mg of morning better. I ate more and all the carbs showed. My strength has went up every week. I’ve gained another 30 pounds of mass since beginning the cycle. Hoping to keep and maintain the majority of it after coming off cycle. Now to start planning my next run. Really been wanting to try Primo.
I’m meal prepping every two days. I could use help cooking. It’ll be easier though when it warms up and I don’t standing outside cooking on the grill. Recently changed up all my pasta to wheat pasta for the extra protein. My calories and carbs have been through the roof while my protein has been between 250g to 300g per day. I’ve noticed carbs is where it’s at for those of us who work hard laboring jobs on top of being a hard gainer.
That was after many years of being told I was skinny. Couldn’t deal with hearing that my whole life. Now I’ve constantly got people in every day life asking me for tips. My tip is Diet, Diet, Diet, and then routine.
I like mk677 helps me get a lot of food down, and i sleep great on it. Gives me a lot a lethargy first week or so usually though. I usually take 25mg before bed.
Holy gains brother. That’s a massive increase in such a short period of time. That’s gonna be hard to keep all of it off cycle. But hell if you maintain half of that it’s more then I’ve ever kept after a cycle.
Half of it came about 4 weeks into the MK-677. The MK-677 really impressed me. So I’m figuring with my training and no change in my diet I should maintain at least half.
Lots of water in the first couple days to week, 5 to 8lbs. Much more sensitive to sodium. While craving carbs. It can be annoying.
LOL, me to my arm would barely move this morning i slept on it ardwardly. on 25mg its not horrible but 50mg hurts to go on phone for long in bed.
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