October 17th issue of diets, training and life

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Staff member
Good fuckin morning all.No workout this am.Breakfast was 5 HB eggs no yolk, cinnamon raisin bagel toasted lightly buttered,grapes water.Lunch I’m not sure about didn’t bring anything so will be buying something I guess.
Dinner will be at the woman’s house,so I have no clue what she’s making.Gonna go check my trail cam after work and drop some corn down.Today I am grateful for my job I enjoy it, especially in this nice fall weather.My apartment dropped down to 60 over night love it.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Diet same as usual for today. But changing next week again.

After a lot of medical tests and specialists. I’ve come to a conclusion about life. With all my abuse of high doses and all. I’m really fine except high blood pressure. Life is much better living with Tren then without. I’ve developed more problems coming off then I’ve ever had in life. Im on more meds and one thing always causes something else that needs pills to handle and then more pills to handle that. My sports doctor said many athletes as they got older and got off cycle he’s seen them fall apart with problems they wouldn’t have had on.

Planning a new cycle and new routine. No more getting off cycle. I came off with the thoughts of being able to enjoy more time with my daughter since I had her at an old age. But all the problems off cycle caused more problems I can’t do what she really wants to anyway. Slipping disc’s isn’t fun.
Trained back. Haven’t eaten anything other than a protein shake and a banana post work out. Getting off nights and switching back to days messes with my appetite. Will probably eat one big meal tonight but have no idea what that will be yet
That’s it? I should make a new post rule on my morning thread,and it will state,“No participation allowed unless member consumes more then 750 calories before posting in the morning.”
I was at ~600 until lunch then had a med portion of leftover baked spaghetti to push me over.
Low and slow for the rest of life brother!!

A good blend of Deca/Mast/Test at cruising speed will go a long way. And mix in your blend of Tren/Mast/Test at cruising speed once in awhile and you’ll be healthy as shit!
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