SB Labs

October 21st edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Your would be salt sensitive then. We are all different and react differently to doses of things
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I mean if your doctor tells you not take that much In follow it. I need a lot or it’s cramp city for me. So I looked up Big Mac and fries and that’s about 1200mg of sodium so most people probably go well above and beyond that 3000 a day with cooking most meals I find my shit taste salty and has less than most pre packaged
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My BP has already permanently affected my kidneys.And research I’ve done States that a high diet of sodium reduces kidney function,also it increases protein in your urine which shows kidneys are not filtering properly and may lead to kidney disease.That I believe to be fact.But again what I read and what you read both say different things,just like what one doctor believes in another one denies…
So I had a dream that I was functioning really well but using high amounts of some new stuff that was invented and I was the only person who could actually use drug without going crazy. I just remember telling people I’m a mutant
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