Old guy back in the game after 4 1/2 years

Gotcha I was just curious because I was at er back then as Banned also. Just curious if we ever crossed paths.
Well welcome to ugm I like eroids but this is a much better community
Hey @rnmuscle what is a ramen sandwhich, I been to jail and I been to Iraq, and ate ramen in both, but have yet to eat a ramen sandwhich, so please enlighten me
I’ve eaten and still love ramen! Thank you for going to stand up for all of us in Iraq and for doing your time for whatever our social contract deemed a criminal act. I’ve never had the opportunity yet to do either. I just heard about it and many other recipes from some guys and actually just looked up how to make one on 23 and 1 you tube. Actually a talented artist…ramen cooked as hot as you can get it with the tools you might have. Let it sit. It actually unfolds if your careful and then put all the stuff in it and fold it back over…yummy. Just popped in my head. Sorry if it offended your OG feelings. Like I said I never did either of those things. Much respect.
Appreciate the shout out bro! I do try my very best to beast out best i can! After 20 years i damn well best be a beast Lol we are all trying to be the best versions of ourselves here at UGM and with all the experience and help from our fellow iron brothers we shall all achieve our goals :muscle:t2::metal:t2:
Lol I saw the ramen sandwich and laughed because i’ve actually made these enough at my house a few years ago, my wife thought I was crazy for making a ramen sandwich but when your hungry they are awesome!
Ha ha Well @cjw1 now ya know a ramen sandwhich is a ramen soup plus WHATEVER you throw in from your cabinets, so most guys with that whole disciplined eating thing wouldn’t touch it, but I will. WOOOOOO!!!
Best for pre workout… Great pumps from the 80 grams of sodium. Does it have an expiration date? 😁 the only stuff that never went up in price either! I may be off here but doesn’t the Hispanic population have something similar but the actually pour the packets in their mouths straight!