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Olympic Athlete banned for dirty drug test banned 4yrs. I believe that she is telling the truth

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This runner from the USA had a dirty urine screen and I assumed that she definitely used compounds.
Today though I find out that she failed for Nandrolone its a woman and an athlete runner nandrolone doesn’t make sense it stays in your system forever and she is a runner wouldn’t she use a better compound like eq or winny.

I always believe that athletes are using AAS but this one doesn’t make sense?

Does anyone know more about this or believe that she definitely is guilty?
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Heard about that one. Not tested athlete would EVER use nandrolone within like a year-year and a half of having to test. Nandrolone metabolites stay in your system a LONG time so makes zero since all together
She has never missed a drug test. She has never had any discipline issues.
I actually believe her and they definitely don’t she either ate pork that was given nandrolone I don’t know if that’s a thing or she needs to use @ROIDTEST to check her compounds because someone gave her nandrolone instead of the compound that she thought that she was taking this is why we say Test, Test, Test your compounds make sure that they are what you want to use.

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@PNWmuscle do you believe that she is telling the truth or she just used the wrong compound?
I believe she unknowingly took nandrolone, whether it’s a tainted food/supplement. Or she was taking a compound she thought/was told was something else and accidentally took it. Like you said, nandrolone does not make sense for her competition type and drug testing regulations. Almost guaranteed to get caught with nandrolone, sticks around longest out of anything
Clen can be from tainted meat but nandro I don’t believe so other wise how many people would failed from tren after eating beef by cows on the sauce I’m guessing she either did cheat and didn’t test compounds she was using and got the wrong one or she got a taitend sup
I agree I do believe that she had no idea it was nandrolone

At the Olympics awhile back the Brazilians got hit with the clen in meat and I have heard about people failing for tren in meat also I believe another runner actually I remember the Brazilians all ate together and all failed definitely the meat.
They even confirmed the meat was tainted.
Bigmurph said:
because someone gave her nandrolone instead of the compound that she thought that she was taking
This is most likely the case. I can imagine someone get’s complacent with their source, or the source get’s complacent with their wholesaler, or so on… There are a lot of links with the chain that could fall short. Always test your compounds…
Agree that would be a poor choice, but I’ve seen athletes make poor choices before
She’s from Sioux City I believe, here in iowa, and she’s about as big around as an anorexic twig, I find it VERY hard to believe she’s using Nandrolone. I’m not sure if it goes anywhere near hogs when they’re feeding or prepping for slaughter, but it wouldn’t shock me if it does!
I just looked it up and I think it’s bandit metabolite so and they are saying place sources meat from trenbolone cows so that’s I guess if they aren’t taken on the hormones close enough to slaughter it’s possible
This could be true also the only reason I believe that she didn’t do it on purpose was her interview she seemed very genuine about not taking anything but you know I believe that every athlete is on something
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