SB Labs

Olympic Athlete banned for dirty drug test banned 4yrs. I believe that she is telling the truth

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So when I used to train Umder Charles, talking about the Olympic he said every athlete is on something. I believe he was right. They all seem genuine when they get caught. Lance Armstrong was pretty convincing
I haven’t heard of nandrolone in pork, but I do know of Tren and test in cattle, eq and EPO in horses, so why not nandrolone in pork…. Makes me want to smoke more ribs and pork chops!
He was but I knew for sure he was using if you watched him he would just pass the best cyclists in the world with such ease if he would have hid it better he could have gotten away with it but he showed off to many times and everyone started calling him out but most people definitely believed that he was clean lol outside of cycling it was funny and then when you know Opera is doing an interview he is coming out lol

They had a set up that was amazing im not sure if you ever saw the docu with the snitch he was the one that put the epo and tne in there shoes in there trailers between stages in the races.
It was extremely slick.
I mean he was still just that much better than everybody cause they only sports wi th more doping are sports that have untested federations everybody in cycling is using something
I agree but there drug tested but no one had a setup like team discovery.

They were inj epo and test base at each leg of the race instead of the rest who probably just trained on gear didn’t have it during the race like these guys did
I seen bits and pieces of the story when it broke… those dudes had “doping” down to a major operation.
Yeah my friend who is big time cyclist says the difference wasn’t that they were doing it they just did it better. But he also says that lance was probably would have e won all things being equal
The nandrolone makes sense to me. I have thalassemia and nandrolone gives me tons of energy strength gains recovery it was made for wasting and it enlarges the red blood cells to the point they will call you if you have labs done by your primary , don’t ask me how I know. I can get out of hand big on nandrolone and it’s the only thing other than eq than will make my blood work dip into the normal range on tests
About giving it to animals I know if you give any steroid to a chicken it metabolizes it almost instantly even the long ester, actually the longer the ester the better but the go from docile to bat shit crazy in 0.1 sec. I have never personally done this had a friend in Louisiana that always wanted it. For his chickens I gave him some tren one time to try instead of test and he said it would literally bring a dead one to life to in his words” bring victory to Sparta “ alas soon after that he donated his proceeds, cars, home pretty much everything to the govt for several years and now they are free range chickens with no antibiotics or hormones ever
I don’t believe that he would have won naturally if he could have he wouldn’t have cheated because everyone else was also like you said though there set up was beyond anyone else cheating

I only say cheating because they got caught its not cheating until you get caught lol
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It will give you an unfair advantage bigger blood cells carry more oxygen means more endurance. I am sure he wasn’t the only one that was cheating. I would say they are not all cheating but more often than not it’s probably called bending the rules kinda like tire softening on race cars everyone does it but you can manipulate it to where it is really soft at beginning of race and by the end it is barely legal or in natural BB competitions I’m sure some are but the majority are not. I would say that cheating does not always produce a victory except when it comes to Tom Brady and the patriots 🙂
Outlawthing said:
would say that cheating does not always produce a victory except when it comes to Tom Brady and the patriots
Hey settle down there @Outlawthing ! Your talking about the GOAT and the Greatest Football dynasty of all time! You might not like how they got there but winning is all that counts. If you don’t cheat you didn’t try hard enough to win.
The GOAT supposedly has HIV wasting disease he got caught so bad ive seen the paperwork from the clinic in Georgia him and gizzelle both went to so they could receive HGH.

They bought the documentary it will never be seen again
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