SB Labs

Olympic Athlete banned for dirty drug test banned 4yrs. I believe that she is telling the truth

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So from what I read, you actually CAN pop for nandrolone eating pork, specifically boar. Also, I guess women’s birth control can show a positive as well for nandrolone.

Now I’m questioning it, as I guess this has happened in the past and it was proven that pork/boar consumption can show positive for nandrolone
They don’t really have it they faked it to get prescribed HGH from a HRT clinic in Georgia.

They don’t really have that disease lol they had enough money to fake having it though lol smh lol
I was told her hair sample was clear that means she doesn’t use atleast AAS so im very surprised that they haven’t cleared her name you just have to compare her last urine screen and then the hair sample and she is actually telling the truth blew me away lol
That’s supposed to be illegal hgh only has 7 uses in US and is illegal for all off label use het clinics are not supposed to be able to prescribe. I’m not hating he was told he was no good by coach he said f-you and is prob one of the greatest but the game isn’t what it used to be they get penalized for roughing passer / receiver the can come across middle with no worry of decapitation. I understand safety and health. I don’t feel like you can compare Brady/Manning/Breeze to Montana/Marino/Elway to Bradshaw/staubach/ stabler. All greats different eras could Brady put the same numbers up back then I wouldn’t think so but not to say he isn’t a great QB what bothers me about Brady willingly or not they got caught cheating (they all do it) but it’s like he has the whole NFL working for him like they wanted a new GOAT so they made one
Outlawthing said:
That’s supposed to be illegal hgh only has 7 uses in US
I thought that there was only 2 diseases that you could get hgh for I guess that they added more reasons to the list.
Outlawthing said:
. I don’t feel like you can compare Brady/Manning/Breeze to Montana/Marino/Elway to Bradshaw/staubach/ stabler
This is so true because the NFL is so different between the times between these quarter backs.

Its definitely all about the money brother that’s why he is the top face in the NFL I could see Brady being the commissioner in the future or atleast part of the board.
Now you done got me curious? Google to the rescue !!!
  • Turner’s syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects a girl’s development
  • Prader-Willi syndrome, an uncommon genetic disorder causing poor muscle tone, low levels of hormones, and a constant feeling of hunger
  • Chronic [kidney] disease
  • HGH deficiency or insufficiency
  • Children born small for gestational age
In adults, approved uses of HGH include:
  • [Short bowel syndrome], a condition in which nutrients are not properly absorbed due to severe intestinal disease or the surgical removal of a large portion of the small intestine
  • HGH deficiency due to rare pituitary tumors or their treatment
  • Muscle-wasting disease associated with [HIV] AIDS
There are 8 apparently and here they are
Great post brother thanks you saved me the time having to look later much appreciated 8 syndromes the pharma companies keep pushing because years back it was only 2 syndromes
Outlawthing said:
Short bowel syndrome], a condition in which nutrients are not properly absorbed due to severe intestinal disease or the surgical removal of a large portion of the small intestine
This is actually something that is on the list that might be causing my problems I was stabbed and lost 6 inches of my intestines smh maybe I could get HGH lol that would be great if I could afford it lol
I have seen three times after surgery my friends used hgh for wrists and knee and once for someone in an accident crushed hip and pelvis and they all healed well enough foe doctors to tell them they were doing amazing
It works for sure just gotta watch the side effects but I can’t believe that the doctors don’t use it for healing imagine the doctor giving you some long gh like @OneQ that would make healing better with longterm release
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