I wish I could give you mine it just doesn’t work like that we have to get ourselves right rather than hide the problem. Im always going to be open about having a mental illness it gives me problems but im trying to work through them there is nothing wrong with being mentally ill.
I appreciate that brother yeah definitely a step in the right direction I don’t know if I will do it tomorrow but were moving forward how ever possible
I get what John is saying if you had the choice you would choose no mental illness. So there’s a lot wrong with mental illness but you got to deal best as you can. I think what others mean is it’s pretty common now to have some sort of issue so it’s pretty much b norm. Sucks but I think as poepnevoove more intelligence and we see more and more of the ol world it will continue to rise.
I chose to sign the contract, to be in the military, I SPECIFICALLY chose Infantry,therefore I took on the good and bad that goes with it,I wouldn’t have PTSD had I not chose to not join.
Eat more than I have been its been an egg most days my stomach feels like its healing it still is painful but its not as bad recently but this happened a little while back im hoping that tomorrow say it get really bad again
If I can start eating I can definitely start doing better physically
Sleep still lacking im up most of the night I stopped logging in thinking possibly my mind was stuck on ugm but that didn’t help still can’t sleep 4hrs is a good night I get 6 here and there when I use alot of marijuana which is bankrupting me smh I wish I could just grow my own smh not going down that road.
Maybe if my stomach gets better I can start sleeping more
Im feeling like I can continue to train like yesterday to get moving again today will be a rest day but tomorrow will be another training day
No doubt I got to 300+ I just didn’t hold it over time I just found out with my blood work. The entire time I was thinking I was low and my number actually went down I don’t understand it, also I feel horrible but I don’t believe that my numbers can be that low I don’t feel that horrible lol
Im going to go with TRT but I wonder if I could get average numbers I just don’t believe I can after trying already
Below 100 total test is pathologically low. There is no question you are hypogonadal and need TRT, probably something like 150-200mg/week IMHO. I have no doubt that your total test level is having multiple negative effects on you, physical and psychological.
I completely agree TRT is now part of my steps that need to be done to get healthy again I believe that once my hormones are normal I will be much better hopefully good to go
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