SB Labs

Get where I want or die trying Banned comeback

I mean I ended up just cruising through cause half way through first cycle gyms shut down hell inthibo at this point if I did pct I’d inject nct oil twice a week juat for the fun of it hahah
On the HCG issue, my experience is that it is effective for recovering natural test production after an extended and complete shutdown, up to a certain age. When I was 39, six months of HCG and very low test injections did the trick for me, and I was so shutdown, I couldn’t have an orgasm to save my life, and the only way I got hard was with a ton of viagra, regardless of how turned on I was in my head. I do not believe, however, that HCG would be effective for me now, at 55, if I were to come off TRT. Just don’t believe the boys would bounce back the same way now, which is why I’ve given up the ghost and committed to TRT for life. Whether it would be effective at Murph’s age given his background, I don’t know. It definitely does spike E2, which can be counterproductive. That is why my prior doc, may he rest in peace, married it with micro-doses of test cyp. I did 100iu of HCG ED and 20 mg of test cyp ED. Six months of that had me back to normal when I was a youngin.
Did it keep you normal or did your numbers taper down over time after discounting use because that’s my experience I got back to 300+ numbers and now im at 98.
This is where im stuck @anabolic_geek and you and me agree that you can come back but I couldn’t even keep the 300+ levels I achieved which is where I thought that I was just low now im non existent.
Did your levels stay within range?

I trained today I hit chest and arms with shoulders it wasn’t exactly a muscle group session but I enjoyed lifting today alot

Flat bench 3x 10 165lb
Pull overs 2x 10 50lb
Preacher curl 3x 10 60lb
Dumbbell side lat raise 3x 10 10lb

Im not going to lie physically I feel not good but ok im really tired that session kicked my butt.
Now I just gotta eat something working on that now
Great to see you enjoyed it. It’s been back to fun for me. Where as for awhile it just felt like it was some th ing I had to do. Maybe doing less days makes the gym a little more exciting but so far 4 day split let me get some extra sleep on days off and lord knows I need it
Work is a big part of your day and your working overtime fills up the week I believe that your on your best track taking rest and doing the 4 day split
Hey I got ptsd, insomnia and bipolar 2. Nothing wrong with any of it man! I’m always here if you need anything. I honestly just had my first episode the last three days where I couldn’t leave the house and felt sick non stop. It’s the first time in a long time it’s happened. I don’t take any meds. I thought it was the flu at first but I know I was just feeling down. I’m honestly gonna try and go back to my physiatrist now and see if I can get meds. I thought I was good the last year but I understand now it doesn’t just go away
It never goes away but meds do help especially with bi polar im sczoeffective so I completely understand what you go through that funk sucks and can just pop up out of nowhere
Yeah I agree! Also I think I replied to an old post when I was scrolling. But either way I’m here! And I know what some of it feels like. I take meds just to sleep and if any one wakes me up I wake up startled with my fist clenched ready to hit someone.
Also yeah I used to take trazodone and olonzipine which I know they say for schizophrenia as well when I looked it up… shits a rollercoaster either way and sucks
My wife knows not to wake me up and if im dreaming which doesn’t happen anymore but last year it was bad she would get out of bed and then wake me up
Yeah I feel that man. It sucks but atleast she’s there! I’ve scared off plenty of women unfortunately. But the one I got now babies me and treats me good and is a big help