SB Labs

Opening day of gun deer

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Between you and my dad you guys gettin me all excited, this comin weekend we’re huntin all day both days, stayin at my dads buddies house, like a mini huntin camp, we’re bringing homemade pirogies for Saturday dinner, my dad was gettin a count for how many he was like what do you want 5-6 I was what, you smoking crack dad, more like 10-12
Fucknyeah!!! Your making me hungry bro. I love pierogies so much. Here is the sanctuary.




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She just passed on a nubby I would’ve shot it prolly 25 pounds of meat. Only maybe 30 yards away. I have a video but it’s too big to download
Nice pics the bottom reminds me of spots by us where they lay n hide In that thick shit

I took a screen shot of the video. Son shoots at deer too far and wife won’t shoot up close wtf is wrong with my family.
I’m gonna have to send everyone home and stop being a nice guy. Do it myself. We’d have our freezer full by now lol. Damn it
They have even thicker shit they bed in behind the woods. That’s where they all come and go from 90 percent of the time
Honesty is the best policy and he is definitely learning so you gotta love it but I know that you want those deer though lol
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