SB Labs

Pec injury (kinda) and BPC 157

Poppy am I allowed to drop the website? I don’t wanna overstep the rules of the forum I know I’m late to reply to his question either way but wanted to check before I do
I get all my peptides from
I use there melanotan, igf-1 DES pre workout on arm day, BPC and Ipamorelin, I’ve like all of them the only one I’d say I need longer time trying is Ipamorelin but I take it before bed and I definitely notice I wake up in better condition, granted on cutting right now but I’ve had friends use them they seem good to go in my experience they have a ton of nootropic products as well and ancillaries I also get my Telmisartan and pramipexole from them
Just for a base disclaimer I am not affiliated with them in any way, I have not tested them other then personal use, I have noticed the benefits I’ve wanted from them test my BP and my prolactin sides are gone, My pec feels great now I actually train chest , igf1 pumps are great and I’m tan as fuck, I’d recommend them to any friend of mine