SB Labs

Peps and research chems


Well-known member
Hey fellas I want to reach out to the community and see what you guys think of some peptides, if used in the past, how were the results? I was thinking of perhaps trying out some GHRP 2 for appetite and also maybe some IGF-LR3. Also I know peptides and research chem companies are a dime a dozen, but if you guys know and trust of any I would really appreciate if you could shoot me a PM with little info. Thank you for any help guys!
I’ve been doing a lot of research on these lately and from my understanding, it would be best to run a GHRH along side of a GHRP. So something like GHRP 2 or 6 with CJC-1295 to get your best results. Hexarelin and CJC-1295 no DAC is supposed to be one of the best peptide stacks for growth. My peptide knowledge is extremely limited to what I have researched though. I’ve been wanting to run a peptide stack for awhile but I can’t convince myself that they are better alternative to straight HGH. The cost only lands about 20% apart when you consider how much you have to run of each to get the same or similar results. HUPharma is a sponsor on here that has a pretty good track record and they carry peptides, GH etc.
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I too am pretty limited on knowledge about peps. I do agree about running GH as it probably is more superior to peps alone. I will start GH up in May and run it for the rest of the year. But also I have a hernia surgery I need to take care of, I’m now thinking I should start the GH after surgery for healing purposes. Also thanks on the Hupharma tip, I totally forgot they carry peptides.
Theres actually some really cool research on how growth hormone helps with healing. It’s been used in higher doses, 16iu to 20iu EOD weekly for burn victims and severe trauma victims with amazing success. There’s also a multitude of ways to run GH depending on the reasoning and goals vs the standard protocols for peptides as the protocols for peptides seem to be a bit more strict for maintenance throughout the use.
This is my current stack . Bpc157 600mg every morning. Mk677 20mg before bed . Cjc no dac in each biceps before training and after . Ive noticed my tendonitis is gone from the bpc157 and the pumps in the gym are amazing on cjc. All day long i have pulses of growth and stimulation of igf. Im recovering faster as well. It may be placebo or it may actually work . All i know is i was extremely sceptical till i tried it
I think that has been a myth for many years unless you’re using some type of synthetic enhancement but I’ve read that using pins bilaterally allows for a greater dispersion and thus faster response in the system. I’m not sure how true it is or if theres any legitimate studies on it though
There is really only one compound that you can site inject and get results from and that’s Helios. Its been studied and proven that the fat you inject the Helios into will dissolve in that exact area. That’s why when using it you need to be careful to kinda rotate your inj points or just go for the stomach like im going to I ordered a bottle and it shipped today. Im going to melt all the fat off my abs and get them as ripped as possible this cycle
How’s the IGF treating you? This was one of the peps I wanted to give a try. It just boggles my mind cause for real IGF 1 (increlex) I believe a pen runs in the 10s of 1000s of USD if I’m not mistaken. I think last I checked it was around $12k.
Honestly i spent a grand on 6 months worth . It literally needs to be pinned 1 mjnute before hitting the wieghts . The pump is what i notice and when i use it i dont use a oral with it . I rotate compounds every 2 weeks . Orals and peptides . It could be placebos as well. I just wanted to experiment with everything.
My experience is limited to 1 cycle but I had good results. I just started back in the gym after about a year off and started getting tendonitis in my wrist. I have previously had it in my elbow and it took months to recover including a month completely out of the gym.

I got TB500 and BPC157 and I ordered some CJC1295 and Ipamorelin since I was ordering. Within a couple weeks the tendonitis was almost gone and after one month 100%gone and I never even slowed down in the gym. I am not lifting real heavy but from my personal experience tendonitis would have gotten worse without those peptides.

For the CJC and Ipam I did have a spike of fat loss and muscle gain the first week i took them. I think for real results you’d need to take more than recommended dosage. I did notice after about a month the skin around my eyes looked better/less wrinkles. (I’m almost 44). For CJC (without DAC) and Ipam 600mcg/day split 2 or 3x/day would be good. For cutting add Fraction 176-191. For growth add PEG-MGF. I will probably run these again but I had already ordered my upcoming cycle while I was running those so it will be a couple months.

Also the BPC157 is said to work better site injected but I moved it around and it still worked for my wrist.
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There is actually one ugl igf1lr3 out there I know of one place where its legitimate. The other place no longer exists they had an amazing batch for awhile around 2yrs ago.

Its just less than a grand a month but im sure it isn’t as good as pharma grade
That’s still high, I’m barely getting by with all the gh I’m taking lol. At one point I will come off GH and try igflr3, at least for a little to see if I really notice change. I read some miraculous shit on forums bout guys running Increlex, but you can’t always believe what you read lol. I wonder if top pros could even afford to run it continually?