SB Labs

Periodization Basics


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Military Vet
Here is a good explanation of periodization for training. This can be applied to almost every athletic endeavor.

Periodization training is the deliberate manipulation of training variables to optimize performance for competition, prevent overtraining , and progress performance.

Variable adjustments in duration, load, or volume are planned out over a specific period of time to achieve these objectives.

For athletes, the goal is to mix up load variables (training intensity or volume) at different times of the year to allow the athlete to peak at certain times. These peak times usually coincide with competitions.

Periodization has been applied to resistance and strength activities like powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting, as well as endurance associated activities like running and cycling.

3 phases of periodization training

There are typically three phases used in a periodization training cycle: long term (macrocycle), medium term (mesocycle), and short term (microcycles).


These are the big picture planning cycles. They typically span a longer period of time, such as a year, before a competition. However, they can span longer periods, such as 4 years, for athletes competing in the Olympic games.


These tend to be 4–6 week cycles within the macrocycle. For example, they typically involve 3 weeks of progressive intensity training followed by a week of lower intensity training.


These are short-duration cycles within the mesocycle. They tend to last a week. They can vary in intensity on the different training days of the week.

Understanding the language

Depending on how you’re training, the variables specific to periodization training will change.

For example, if you are applying this concept to strength training, you will vary the amount of weight (the load) and the number of reps (the volume).

If you are applying the concept of periodization training to an endurance sport like running or cycling, you will vary the speed (the load) and the distance (the volume).

3 common periodization training models

There are three main types of periodization paradigms.

Linear periodization

This involves changing load and volume over several intermediate or mesocycles (usually every 1–4 months). Each intermediate cycle would have progressive weeks of increasing intensity followed by a recovery week with light load and intensity.

Nonlinear or undulating periodization

Load and volume are changed more frequently, such as daily or weekly, typically with the load increasing but volume decreasing.

These are hypothesized to be more appropriate for sports where there are multiple competitions during an event, such as a triathlon.

Reverse periodization

This is a form of nonlinear periodization, except that the load is decreased while the volume increases. These may be more appropriate for those competing in endurance races with longer distances.

Multiple studies have found no significant difference in the benefit of one periodization program over another. Both linear training progressions and nonlinear training programs produced similar strength gains.

The history of periodization training

Periodization training evolved from general adaptation syndrome, a concept developed by Dr. Hans Selye. It states that an organism’s response to stressors goes through a predictable series of responses: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.

The concept was later adapted to physical conditioning to optimize performance, manage stress and fatigue, and reduce the risk of injury and burnout for optimal performance.


Periodization training evolved from a concept called general adaptation syndrome. It was devised for athletes to maximize performance for competition, but it can be applied to general conditioning as well.

Applications of periodization training

Strength training

You may perform a 4-week program (the mesocycle) where you progressively increase the load lifted each week for 3 weeks while decreasing the number of repetitions. Then, the fourth week may be a recovery week that involves a lower load or a lower volume.

For example, you may squat 225 pounds, for 8–10 reps, for 3 sets during the first week. Then, you may change to 265 pounds for 4–6 reps for 3–4 sets in the second week.

Finally, the last heavy week may involve 300 pounds for 2–4 reps for 3–6 sets. The final week may be a recovery week where the load drops or stays at 300 pounds for 1 rep for 3 sets.

In this example, the volume has changed (total number of reps performed), but the load has increased. In the subsequent intermediate mesocycles, the person can increase the weight for the different phases.


A cyclist may be preparing for a 100-mile bike ride in 3 months. Perhaps the course will entail multiple sections of ascending hills. They may start with varying their rides throughout the week to include hill training, sprint work, and a longer distance ride.

Gradually, as the competition draws near and during the mesocycles, the distances will increase while the intensity of the cycling workouts will decrease.


A runner is preparing for a 5k. They have run farther than this in the past but want to improve their speed. They may perform the same training scheme as the cyclist (hill training, sprint intervals, and a 5K run).

However, in this case, the intensity may increase as training continues but for shorter distances during runs.


Periodization can be helpful for a variety of athletic endeavors, such as weightlifting, cycling, and running.