Permanent Cycle--55 Years Old

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That’s great info, MySQLMan! I have about a month’s supply of the GH secretagogues that I will use up, then see where I stand. They definitely do NOT have the same effect they had on me, say, five years ago. But I still feel them in terms of muscle size and in depth of sleep and sometimes, energy. It’s weird. Sometimes they energize me, so I can’t inject to close to bedtime. Other times, they make me soooo sleepy.
LOL. As far as I can tell, it’s a matter of the right E2 level: too much or too little makes it impossible or really difficult to climax, even if you are rock hard and really into her.
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Seems to me every time I have it figured out, something changes. Nothing p*sses me off more than a woman who just came 20 times in the last 3 hours, whining, “You don’t love me or you would cum! Is there somebody else?”"
I must be on the perfect mix of gear and anti estrogen anti prolactin anti progesterone. Cause between my gear and armidex and caber and nolvadex. Plus add in hcg. I am blowing loads like a freak porn star. Funny part is I ain’t nearly as horny as when my last cycle and I wasn’t blowing huge loads then.
Ya I don’t like shit fucking me up. It seems like my body is sensitive to every type of compound. Except test e and NPP cycle with proviron. So far that is my favorite
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