SB Labs

Pharmaceutical companies make me sick

I’ve tried over the years to be part of focus groups and to no avail. We really never see the whole picture anyway. Some comments I’ve heard over the years and facts have made me first want to punch someone but then makes me physically ill. Unfortunately, everyone is to blame on this topic. Money has seemed to really be evil. Think about it. Pharmaceuticals answer to shareholders, FDA makes it so expensive to research and bring a drug to market. No investors want to invest in a real experimental drug, device, etc. That’s why we see so many of the same drugs “tweaked” or used for a new label use. People who are forced to use the ED as a source of primary care. All the way down to a guy like me who sees the companies in the portfolio not doing well. AAS shouldn’t even be scheduled in the first place. Of course this is a very simplified version but I feel it will only get worse. I’m very surprised you can still get a vial of test covered. For a bi monthly, weekly, etc. Injection, used to have to go to the physician office. There are not enough providers to cover that. Most of the drugs that you can inject at home have auto injector or pen for one time use. " To prevent infection" but jacks the price up. …and on and on it goes. The worst part is hearing fellow RNA and physicians talking about job security!! We need extra people just to call insurance companies for prior authorization on meds patients have been on for years because the dosage is not covered. All of this and more is passed on to the regular guy/gal. Anyone look at how good rx works?