SB Labs

Pin size and injection sites


Well-known member
So, like most, I have began developing scar tissue in the glutes and thighs over the years. I’ve always been hesitant to use smaller gauges needles such as slin pins, with the concern being not hitting muscle. So the questions are who uses slin pins, size, and where do you inject? Thanks! I currently use 23 gauge / 1 inch pins… rotating glutes and thighs per inject.
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25g 1" everywhere, including delts, but I stick to all the most popular injection sites. I don’t venture outside to the less popular anymore.

Do you inject the ventrogluteal? If not seriously consider it. It is painless and holds a lot of volume. I can give you a really quick way of finding the correct injection site if you need any help.
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I don’t use slin pins but I do use 23&25 gauge needles x 1" . I’m not sure what size lats you have but after watching a Dave palumbo video on injecting in the lats and trying it it’s now my favorite spot I just pin in the middle at the thickest point of my lat and I don’t experience any pip there and it will hold a good amount of oil with out knotting up I love it but it is one of those spots where u probably need someone else to give it to u there but it’s definitely a great spot. Good luck!
I’ve had several Toradol shots in the ventroglute given by doctors so I would love for you to enlighten me on the best easiest way to find the correct spot as I’ve been wanting to pin there just worried about missing the spot.
No sweat @N8GainTrain. Stand up straight. Using your right hand find the point of your right hip bone. Raise your right leg straigh out to the side. Feel and see that golf ball sized muscle just below your hip bone? Bam… You just found it.

When you inject it. Take all the weight off your right leg by bending your right knee and holding your balance with your toes with no weight. The muscle is now completely relaxed and ready for injection.

Let me know if you need anything else.
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First off I would include more sites you can inject just about any muscle. If you been doing glutes and thighs only for years I can see why scar tissue has developed.

I do my quad sweeps( lots of meat heat I do bottom middle and halfway to top) shoulder front medial and rear and late with 25g 5/8ths.
I do my bicep, triceps and calves with a slin pin 29g 5/8 I think
I do my glutes with 23g 1”

You can do chest the tear drop on your leg your traps also. Now I don’t do those but I know people who do

Main thing is always rotate where you shoot to prevent scar tissue
You bet. My technique is to not jab but place the pin on the muscle and push it in. You can use your free hand to steady the barrel while you depress the plunger with your other hand.
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