SB Labs

Pin size and injection sites

You will need to check the specific laws in your state. It some states you cannot buy without a prescription. And in some states it is illegal to possess them without a prescription as they are considered drug peripheral.

If you live in the US go here and click your state to understand the exact laws on the books by state-

@funcouser I just cut out the hassle of going to a pharmacy and over paying. I buy my supplies at

I have also had good experiences here-

For public and in home safety make sure you have a sharps disposer as well. If you don’t want to buy one, even though they are cheap, you can always use an empty protein tub.
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Thanks @SemperFi I appreciate the links! I have a sharps disposal. I asked, and they said the local ED at the hospital takes them when they’re full and then they are incinerated.

I’ll read through the laws for my state, but I think I’m okay because I already bought some at the local pharmacy. They charged a quarter each, which I think is a little steep.
@SemperFi I got a novice question on this old thread…

Do you draw with the 25 as well as inject? (Different needles obviously)

Also what do you think about drawing with a filtered needle, just in case of stopper breakdown or unseen particles?
I use filtered needles because I like to use amps because I enjoy pharma grade testosterone and I sometimes worry about the break not being clean and I will pull with a filter needle they work great.
You also can buy 10ml syringes and pull the contents of the vial and push it through a syringe filter that you attach to the syringe with a needle attached to put it in another sterile vial.
Check out medlabgear they have everything you could ever want
I’m on TRT pharmacy Test C
Draw with a 18g x1” and pin with a 25g x1”
Thinking about trying a 27g x1”. I have them just have not tried it to see how it flows.
I’m new to all this, and all I could get on short notice was 28 gauge .5 inch from the pharmacy, and It seemed to flow in quite easily when the Test Cyp was warmed, just drew up what I thought seemed quite slow.

Note: I’m only on 2nd ever injection in my life
The smaller gauge is better im just used to using 23g and I maybe just 2-3yrs back switched to 25 gauge and now everyone seems to be using 27g .5 inch or like you even 28g.
These newer carrier oils are great there super smooth and very thin but still hold alot of molecular weight. The issues with some of the newer carrier oils like mct is that because there tropical oils they tend to crash in cold weather very easily.
That’s really interesting, never thought about the area the carrier oil originated from effecting the final product’s ability to handle temperature.
🧪 chemistry is so cool. Wish I was better at math haha
Right on thanks for the info. I noticed with the 28s I have that the syringe holds such a small volume I have to draw the plunger back so far it is hard to inject. Guessing a larger gauge or maybe a larger volume syringe could remedy this problem.