Political post

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Is anyone else disgusted with our current political system and climate? Seems like and we should be. I don’t care where you land politically, this nonsense surrounding Trump and the extent that the democrats will go to prevent him from running is a black eye to all American Citizens.
Our founding fathers are spinning in there graves right now at the embarrassment of the Democratic Party. Not only is there substantial evidence that an election was stolen, now they’re trying to prevent him from running all together.
I’m not a veteran. But it seems to me this is a threat to democracy. When is enough , enough? When will the patriots of this great nation stand up against this tyranny? For the first time in my life I’m almost embarrassed for this country and the international catastrophe we have become.
I think it’s too far gone. Even Gavin Newsome was calling out how it’s wrong what his party is doing. 2 states now are completely drawing republican districts out and another considering it. That would make it impossible for Republicans to ever have congress.

The US is now no better then China and Russia when dealing with elections.

You know it’s harder to make a stand when everyone in US is spread out. They know this. In Ukriane and other countries in 5-10 hours everyone is at the capitol. So when maiden happened in Ukriane it was a large turnout where no one was afraid of police.

If you notice Republican influencers always say not to protest. Just complain and boycott. They’re scared. If they do protest they think they’re smart and brave not wearing masks. But they don’t get shit done. In Ukriane they built shields, burned buildings. Got rocks and molitovs to throw at police and keep them back. They knew the ones with more numbers wins and police wouldn’t dare to shoot them. They held rallies and held the line till they forced out their government.

In the US everyone would be busy to stay more then 3 hours. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
I wonder if this foolishness is going to lead to war? Honestly I don’t see how it can be avoided at this point. How far we have fallen!
What I found funny was media tried to say yesterday that Russia is removed an opponent from their ballot against Putin. Trying to make it seem that she was removed for wanting peace. A complete lie. She failed to even register for the election in time per their usual laws. Big difference when someone does register and what they’re doing to Trump in US.
I’m hearing a lot of chatter how democratic voters are switching sides now as a result. I hope that’s the case and hope the fems are embarrassed and shamed by there actions
I think civil war will be the only way honestly but will be too late so won’t happen. People will be too scared to do anything or help anyone. Unless can get a candidate like Vivek in that wants to demo the whole fed system then we’re screwed. Trump won’t do it and is only hurting the party at this point. Since he won we’ve lost every time. 2018, 2020, 2022. Only reason we have control of congress is because of DeSantis and he wants to bash him over it.
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