SB Labs

Politicians Are Some Of The Sorriest Humans

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Military Vet
Interesting how a year or so ago…the very same people that were in the streets with bullhorns wanting to defund the police are now running for office in major metropolitan areas (where crime has gone off the charts)…are running on a pro police extra funding platform.

The dumbf*cks have just now realized their very same communities that hate cops are the ones that crime has risen and they need it the most.

You just can’t make this crap up. Hahaha

Ive got several other examples of the liberal thinking…arrested development style.
A lot to say my brother. I got to the point that I won’t stress n ruin my life over thoughts, enjoy my circle and protect them 💯

Stress will kill you man. No jokes!!
Funny you say this. I was thinking the same shit NO LIE while drinking my morning coffee Thursday
Fucking crazy bro!! If we look at the running candidates for president the last 30 years they have never been the best option. They have been the option that is puppet worthy. Except Trump but he forced his way in on his own.
I think they’re trying to systematically destroy the country as quickly as possible. Tear it down, destroy all small businesses, make everyone weak and compliant, take away our guns, inject us with a shot that breaks down our immune system and leads to auto immune disease, so they can run things like communist China.
If they actually give $450,000 to every illegal that came in and got separated from their kids, do you guys think that will be the straw that broke the camels back and lead to a civil war/revolution?
I think we need a French Revolution type thing. But not attacking all
People just those I’m control of our law makers and the crooked law maker and puppet politicians
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