SB Labs


Hey Pops! Wanted to ask. Do you find HGH helpful? Never been a fan to use it. However,
Found myself digging some helpful feedbacks. Does it really help with muscle growth? Sorry trying to gather some intel.
What @Dirtnasty said… especially for me.

With my age and medical needs. I can’t really put on too much weight, muscle or otherwise.

I used bpc and tb a few months ago to clear up some aches and pains.

Using platinum hgh has put that over the top. I feel great with the exception of some spinal/disc problems im addressing.

I’m keeping my dosage at 3iu daily. Started at 1… went to 2 to figure out my sleep etc… recently went to 3.

I will probably have some minimal invasive back surgery soon and will remain on hgh to (hopefully) help the healing process.

Small doses I know but I’m rolling on 63yo and quality of life is my absolute number one priority.
I have lost a bit bf… while maintaining my muscle.

I have a bunch of other variables in play here… blood sugar renal functions lipids etc etc…growing old is not for the light hearted.

I find that keeping my bw at or below 190 is where my labs are the best. It’s a struggle… my natural bw at this age is 200-215 or so. Unfortunately my labs head south at that body weight.
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Great explanation pops. I actually find that you are pretty on point with a hole circle of you health/Nutrition most of folks at the same age give up trying to fulfill a healthy life style.
I have a 9 soon to be 10 yo daughter I have to get on her way in life… I’ve got to keep on.
Yeah, we were going to go to gym today, but decided to go for a walk due to both of us still being extremely sore from back on Sunday and shoulders yesterday. 🤭
Don’t blame ya… Walking is way underrated. Any kind… just a plain ole stroll on up to a pretty good clip.
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Lmao! You’ll have a better guage and stay more accurate with not weighing everyday and keeping it to same day each week. Plus it will be good to see the weekly changes in appearance to go with the weight, knowing it’s a real recomp with the GH, Mast, Test, and TBol.

Wife and I were obsessed with scale back in the day and I think I was getting a little crazy about the fluctuations. Since we started Dexa, I haven’t been on a scale other than Dr., but I know Dexa is not an option for you due to so far away.