SB Labs



Heavy ab crunches x 10-12 and 30 seconds on tmill for 30 seconds at 3mph.

5 rounds

Probably could have done more but just now getting my walking back and don’t want to overdo it.
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Also pinned bpc157

Another quick n dirty down day

Belt squats pyramid up 10 reps at a time for 3 sets…rest a couple minutes… 20 reps strip one…10 reps strip one… 10 reps

45 degree hyper 1 x failure ~ 20 something

Calves 1 x failure???

Maybe 15-20 minutes round trip
Pinned platinum gh and some bpc 157

Had a couple too many handfuls of Swedish fish and one or two too many slices of bread at supper. I’m so stuffed i can’t move.

Lat pull downs small V bar heavy 3 x 12

Single arm lat pull downs 2 x 8 ea side

Shrugs 3 x 12

Biceps left x bunchish right x less than bunch

Walk on tmill at 3 mph without brace trying to strengthen up left leg… few minutes
I’m a goober

The “my fitness pal” app has a feature to swipe breakfast so that you can just repeat yesterday’s breakfast input. 90% of the time I eat the exact same breakfast including macros.

I didn’t enter my big tub of scrambled whites in Monday morning so my protein intake I’ve posted every day this week is 45 grams short. I just played catch up so my weekly goals report will be close.
Blast strap push-ups 10…add elite red band 10 lose band 10

YTW’s SS with triceps x 3

Pwo cialis emergenc sea salt 1/2 liter of water

Post big chugs of whites and handful of Swedish fish

Going to set for a few then trim and cut lawn.

No training today. Had a massage first thing this morning. Then work around here. Lots of pool time with fam.

I did 10 minutes of fast walking in pool between 3ft and 4ft… made ovals so I didn’t have to turn around.