SB Labs

Post cycle Training Log

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I thought it would be cool to keep a post cycle log as well. Many of you have followed along on my recent cycle log which I finished july10. So he is an updated pic almost exactly 30 days later. You can see I’ve lost some size but with that seemed to have leaned out even more. July 10th I finished at 195lbs. As of today I am 189lbs.


Ok 5 weeks post cycle. TRT maintenance does at 250mgs weekly. Current morning weight up to 195lbs at 5 ft 9 in. Caloric intake up (don’t calorie count) but I would guess 65% protein 30% carbs and 5% fats. Goal on TRT until my next cycle is to increase lean mass and get up to 200lbs. Still focusing on back and wheels. My girl put a weight limit on me of 205lbs. Says she doesn’t like when I get to big. I would like to sit at 200lbs lean after a cut which means I’ll have to push past that 205 mark while I’m bulking up. Any advice on doing a clean bulk (less fats and carbs) vs just normal bulk (more fats and carbs)? At 40yrs of age, and my body type which route should I go?
First you look great.

I’m no expert on bulking as it comes easy to me…not lean mass but all of it… muscle and fat.

Alright fellas been a few weeks since my last update. Been eating like a horse and up to 200lbs now. Really working on my wheels and back. Have a good feeling a lot of that added weight went to my legs. Jeans fit a lot tighter lol. Still eating clean with a cheat meal here and there.
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A lean mass off gear… whew. That’s gonna take awhile and the lean gains will be minimal. I say add the carbs, feed the muscles. I’m also a firm believer in the carbs.

I think in reality… don’t quit doing what you’re doing. You look fucking great! Keep it up.
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