SB Labs

Post injury progress

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Second week post injury. Been back in gym now for two weeks taking it slow and easy getting back into it. Have a little extra chunk compared to pre injury. Size about same but lost a bit of strength also. Not much should be back to pre injury stats in about a month. Pretty happy with that.



Hahaha I don’t like it either brother!

It’s my experience that the more thought out and purposeful my training is the less injuries I get as I get old(er).

Read that as my inside voice to myself…poppy you eff-tard… you are NOT a young man anymore…what the heck are you thinking?! If you try that… chances are you’ll get hurt and possibly never fully recover…AND you’ll have to explain to wifey why you did such a boneheaded thing… then the worst part… listening to her mouth every single time you go to the gym…

Myself to me…ok ok poppy you’re right… I’ll back down… but I’ll be back soon to have this inner argument again!
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