Powerlifting log 1 day out from comp

That’s amazing brother!!! Something like this comes with a lot of sweat and pain and tears. Great discipline getting that far. This is very inspiring stuff. Glad you shared this and glad you are a part of this community
I just wanted to be able to properly document your extraordinary accomplishments here.

Great total my friend!
I read decades ago from one of the legendary powerlifters… he said…”the few seconds you see me on the platform doesn’t reflect the years I put in to get there”.

I know Stan Efferding trained for one year specifically to break the raw record.
Just reread this. 8 for 9… that’s outstanding. I think if I remember correctly…my best was 6… plenty of 5’s towards the end due to token deadlifts.
Poppy said:
Just reread this. 8 for 9… that’s outstanding. I think if I remember correctly…my best was 6…
I was always told by every coach on every PL team and every big name I ever picked brains with at meets, if you go 9-9, you’re not trying hard enough… those are awesome numbers man! Congratulations