SB Labs

**Primobolan® (methenolone acetate)**


Primobolan® (methenolone acetate)

Anabolic 88
Chemical Names
Estrogenic Activity none
Progestational Activity no data available(low)

Primobolan® is a brand name for the anabolic steroid methenolone acetate. This agent is very similar in action to Primobolan® Depot (methenolone enanthate), except here the drug is designed for oral administration instead of injection. Methenolone acetate is a non-c17-alpha-alkylated oral steroid, one of only a few commercially available oral agents that presents limited liver toxicity to the user. It is also highly favored for its properties as a moderately effective anabolic with low androgenic and no estrogenic properties. It is likewise, commonly used during cutting phases of training, when lean tissue growth and solid muscularity, not raw bulk, are the key objectives.
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This is the ACETATE version it is no longer available from Schering they discontinued production in the early 2000s
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Is there any info on dosage of primo ace for men? I have so many tabs… my wife used to run it without problems. Not it breaks her out and her voice cracks 2nd day.

Cant let it go to waste!
The tabs I would run around 150mg to 200mg a day. Alot gets destroyed there really made for women but you can take them for sure it just takes alot
That sucks that it changed to now it effects her negatively.
Yeah men need a ton I looked at possibly trying to save myself some injections and it was an astronomical amount that I would have needed to run 20wks lol
Yeah it’s been interesting. Nothing in her labs has changed, but Var and primo tabs make her break out really bad now when they didn’t before. Which is a bummer for her. Tbol is the only thing left she has to try if she wants to. But I don’t think it will be anytime soon.
Var and primo so she is breaking out and seeing side effects from anabolics and androgenics that really sucks.
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Nooooooooo haha at this point in time neither one of us want children at all.

It’s more for overall health. Her family has a strong pattern of females developing early onset dementia. BC pills have tanked her testosterone ( I think it was 6 last time we did blood work) and there’s a strong link to low T and Alzheimer’s. So she’s gonna see if it will naturally recover before committing to full time HRT.
My wife also dropped bc pills long ago because of side effects long-term and short-term told me to get a vasectomy if I don’t want to use condoms one day maybe lol condoms are fine for me
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Fuck condoms 🤔 or fuck sex 🤔 this was my choice until I get a vasectomy not a worry at the moment but I plan on having everything running again soon. Lol