So alot of people who are starting off using AAS honestly know nothing about it but that if I take AAS I will get big.
This isn’t even always true??
So when starting off the first reccomended cycle
Testosterone 500mg a week
An AI if needed but on hand
Pct nolvadex/clomiphene
The cookie cutter version but the only thing with the first cycle that can be changed is dosage of testosterone and not higher.
After the first cycle now if the user has followed the normal process they usually want to add a compound or a couple of compounds.
I just want to ask why?
If you run the cookie cutter testosterone cycle and had a good training program and the correct diet which is everything in your cycle. You should have made excellent gains. If you didn’t it isn’t time to add more compounds. It’s time to analyze the first cycle.
Did you have estrogen issues? Did you tolerate the dosage? Did the carrier and solvents give you pip possibly you didn’t like the ester testosterone used? So many more questions but none are really what will be the next compound I add to my next cycle.
So once all questions are answered and you have a complete understanding about the compounds and what they do and how to set up your diet and training. Run another testosterone cycle based on this analyzation.
This second run on testosterone should be absolutely amazing because now you have the full understanding of how it effects you and what needs to be done to get the most out of this cycle. Plus just testosterone cycles are easier to PCT back from once you start adding other compounds things can get very complicated very quickly. Many people get introuble and it becomes to late to help especially if blood work isn’t being done pre mid post.
Once you have the understanding about all the compounds and you come off your second cycle then start a deep research into the compounds that if you want to add something then you will be somewhat ready and informed because before adding anything on top of testosterone know the risk because everything we do is risk vs reward. Harm Reduction is very important we don’t want to hear that anyone has ever hurt themselves.
The compounds that you add to your future cycles should be chosen to fit your goals and possibly your issues during cycles. If you’re having estrogen issues maybe proviron or drostanolone can help keep aromatase at lower levels. Choose compounds for your lifestyle if you’re not interested in competing trenbolone and MENT probably aren’t compounds you want to run unless you believe that the risk is worth the reward.
Im a gymrat I’m not a competitive bber so ive never used trenbolone or other compounds that aren’t made for human use I like the peace of mind that the compounds I use I see people that have used massive amounts and are still going strong (Arnold, Stallone) just to mention a couple of names. I don’t believe in massive amounts though for someone like me who just wants to look good.
In the end its completely your choice. Just please do the research and ask questions were here to talk about cycling, compounds, diet, training anything related to fitness.
This isn’t even always true??
So when starting off the first reccomended cycle
Testosterone 500mg a week
An AI if needed but on hand
Pct nolvadex/clomiphene
The cookie cutter version but the only thing with the first cycle that can be changed is dosage of testosterone and not higher.
After the first cycle now if the user has followed the normal process they usually want to add a compound or a couple of compounds.
I just want to ask why?
If you run the cookie cutter testosterone cycle and had a good training program and the correct diet which is everything in your cycle. You should have made excellent gains. If you didn’t it isn’t time to add more compounds. It’s time to analyze the first cycle.
Did you have estrogen issues? Did you tolerate the dosage? Did the carrier and solvents give you pip possibly you didn’t like the ester testosterone used? So many more questions but none are really what will be the next compound I add to my next cycle.
So once all questions are answered and you have a complete understanding about the compounds and what they do and how to set up your diet and training. Run another testosterone cycle based on this analyzation.
This second run on testosterone should be absolutely amazing because now you have the full understanding of how it effects you and what needs to be done to get the most out of this cycle. Plus just testosterone cycles are easier to PCT back from once you start adding other compounds things can get very complicated very quickly. Many people get introuble and it becomes to late to help especially if blood work isn’t being done pre mid post.
Once you have the understanding about all the compounds and you come off your second cycle then start a deep research into the compounds that if you want to add something then you will be somewhat ready and informed because before adding anything on top of testosterone know the risk because everything we do is risk vs reward. Harm Reduction is very important we don’t want to hear that anyone has ever hurt themselves.
The compounds that you add to your future cycles should be chosen to fit your goals and possibly your issues during cycles. If you’re having estrogen issues maybe proviron or drostanolone can help keep aromatase at lower levels. Choose compounds for your lifestyle if you’re not interested in competing trenbolone and MENT probably aren’t compounds you want to run unless you believe that the risk is worth the reward.
Im a gymrat I’m not a competitive bber so ive never used trenbolone or other compounds that aren’t made for human use I like the peace of mind that the compounds I use I see people that have used massive amounts and are still going strong (Arnold, Stallone) just to mention a couple of names. I don’t believe in massive amounts though for someone like me who just wants to look good.
In the end its completely your choice. Just please do the research and ask questions were here to talk about cycling, compounds, diet, training anything related to fitness.
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