SB Labs

**Proviron® (mesterolone)**

Who doesn’t want to run primo its great has its pros and cons but is an amazing compound.

Dirt you will be running it during your cutting
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Just a hunch I know the feeling. Edit you ever have any Brain trauma
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Ya. Had a 2x12x12 of Doug fir slammed on my head with no hard hat on. Should’ve been dead. Still have a divet in my skull from it.

How bout you
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I’m sure me leading wihh th head on hits hasn’t help had a shoot that you put into fedex trucks to load boxes about 400 pounds or so fall on my head when clasp broke. Didn’t phase me. Never been knocked out but that doesn’t mean damage is t done that among many times falling and head bounced off ground. Always schedule for
Concussion always pass proto.
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You don’t need to be knocked out to suffer serious damage. I had a scrawny hillbilly sucker punch me in the back of the head and knocked me out cold and that Doug fir hits a lot harder. Think it depends on where you get hit
I’ve been hit everywhere and I agree. Ex bengal player Chris Henry who constantly got in trouble and made bad decisions was never knocked out in career but they said his brain looked horrible when they studied it after imhaindeath. I’m sure mines fucked but then again I’d bet if they looked at most of society’s brains there would be more damage than they expect
When I was four, I took my shoes off under the dining room table and ran into the kitchen, the floor of which had just been polished. I slipped and fell head-first into a corner where two walls met. Blood spewing everywhere, my older relatives fainted, my dad scooped me up and got me to the hospital before I bled to death. Still have quite a scar. Apparently didn’t affect me cognitively! (Though some might disagree).