Quick Introduction and Some Info


Active member
Hey everyone, just doing a quick little intro to get things rolling.

I’m fairly young, 25 years old. Been training for about 5 years or so.

Stats are “5’6 (manlet checking in 😦) 160 lbs standing at 12% BF. After doing some research for the past year a half I believe I’m ready to start my first cycle and have ordered from Iron Junkies recently as I’ve heard soooo many good things about them and their customer service is A1.

Going to run the basic 500 mg of Test E per week for 10, 12 or 16 weeks (haven’t decided yet) Arimidex on hand and Nolva as PCT. haven’t gotten blood work taken yet but will definitely be doing it before I start my cycle, during, and after. This would be a cycle to get my feet wet and see how my body responds, and in the future, possibly add some more compounds.

I’m extremely excited to hop on as well as to be a part of this community and learn from everyone’s experiences and guidance!
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Welcome bro, glad you decided to be a part of UGM… alot of good info to found here.
Educate yourself daily… listen to these guys, ask questions, learn…
Welcome @CantStopWontStop

There is some great experience here to lean on if you need anything. We will share our mistakes and successes with you. All information has value and then you can decide which direction is best for you. Don’t worry about being new… every single one of us started at the beginning at some point in time… my beginning was before your were born! 😉

At 52 I am learning things from members daily and I hope to learn something from you some time. Be active is my advice.
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Welcome bro, glad to have another 25 year old around! You’ll definitely find anything you need here, feel free to ask anything you might be curious about and I’m sure someone will gladly be able to answer.
Exactly what @Islandswole said. Ask questions and alot of them, nobody on here is going to down talk you or mistreat you on here for asking questions. Some answers might have some humor in them but everybody always is looking out for your best
Im not sure if you have time but I and im sure many others would really appreciate it if you kept a log about your first cycle and learning about dealing with estrogen, inj and pct.

Also welcome to UGM brother