Riding the Tren Train


So here I am 4 weeks into my 8 week cycle. I started on .5 cc Tren A and 1 cc test P 3 x per week. Along with Anavar 25 mg morning and night ED and GH 2 iu Mon thru Fri mornings. I am taking HGH EOD 1000 iu for the boys and Proviron 50 mg ED and Anastrozole 1 mg twice per week and Cialis for fun.

I take the HGH, GH, Proviron, Anastrozole, and Cialis no matter what cycle I am on. So the Tren, Test P, and Anavar are the only new compounds.

The first two weeks I didn’t notice much difference in appetite or feel different. I talked to my sponsor and he recommended I increase the Tren to 1 cc three times per week. Within a couple
Of days my appetite had diminished quite a bit. By the end of the third week I could notice subtle changes in body composition. No weight gain or loss. Just a slightly better look.

Beginning of week 4 I noticed when I go to the gym I had to fight to finish every set. I had to fight to start a new one. My energy was gone and so was my gumption. My back acne had doubled and I wanted to punch everyone that pissed me off. My kids are telling me that I am getting edgy again like before I started TRT when my Test was low. And I would drink 4 to 5 bottles of water every night and get up to pee 4 times. So sleep sucked. I had a fan for night sweats so that wasn’t so bad.

I forgot to mention the dreams!!! Having dreams about life that felt so real around 4 am and would wake up every 15 minutes then the dreams would start right where they left off. Really fucked up!!! Since I started micro dosing they went away.

I changed my dosing to micro dosing at .44 ml Test p and Tren A ED. Hoping it would help. At end of week 4 on micro dosing I have noticed a slight change in ambition to the good but not much else. My biggest concern is my attitude. I am doing this shit for myself and to be a better dad and husband. So if I have a piss poor attitude at home it’s not worth it. My body composition is getting better and better. I love how Tren affects my look just not my attitude and energy.

I have spoken at length about these issues with my Brothers at Ug and my sponsor. I am going to incorporate B12 injections starting In three days to see if that helps with the energy and attitude. If that doesn’t help I am going to start dropping compounds starting with VAR to see if it helps I am also
Going to get blood work done soon to check prolactin levels as well as everything else. If I cannot get these side effects in submission then I don’t think I will do Tren again. I love the quick results but it isn’t worth being a crabby dad or husband. I couldn’t care less about anyone else. But I Love my family and they come first!!! Hopefully we can find away to put this shit into submission. I’ll keep you posted.
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Tren is like a double edged sword… some can use it, zero issues, others like me cannot. I used it a lot in my 20’s, loved how it made me strong as fuck and kept me in the same weight class I needed to be in, but I hated how it made me feel and what it did to my attitude and mindset, and the damage it did to my family while I was on it
Honestly since you Aren’t a competitor I would just drop the tren. You got plenty of time to hit your goals so why put yourself throught the bad sides for the extra gainz
@JB_rD81 @BigSwole69 @Dirtnasty @Outlawthing @NeuroRN. Thanks for the input. I dis a small edit
To my article/post. About the dreams. Crazy real dreams about life. Really messed up emotionally when I wake up stuff. The micro dosing took care of that thankfully.

I am with you on dropping it. However I told my kids I was lowering my TRT dose temporarily so it would make
Me crabby. (My teenage son doesn’t need any inspiration in steroid abuse right now). My wife knows what’s up. I want to see if we can all figure this Tren thing out. Between your wisdom and OP and his. I would love to run Tren again sometime. But only if without the attitude. I am gonna wait and see what the B12 does. If it gives me more energy I probably won’t be so edgy. I get real crabby when I am groggy. Kind of like still drunk from the night before feeling sometimes. I am going to stay the course and be a guinne pig for another week or two.
When I started my current blast of TrenA, TestP, and MastP, I started lower at around 350 on the Tren to cruise into it and feel out the sides. Noticed a little lethargy, obviously night sweats, and family said I was snappy a bunch at useless stuff at the beginning. Definitely wasn’t going to push through it if it was pissing off the family. Stayed on it, got my mind over matter shit in check with my head, pushed through for a few weeks, and was then GTG. Slowly raised dosing based on feeling, and body said hell yeah, let’s do this.

I definitely would have dropped it, if it didn’t get better with the attitude check.
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I love hearing so many here willing to put family first and being real about stuff instead of making excuses for themselves. Shows a high level of class !!!
Yeah man I ran a fairly simple cycle and I’d try to incorporate something and if I didn’t like it I dropped it and Id maybe pursue it at a later date. I think your taking the right approach and you seem in tune with the compound and how it’s affecting you. Good write up by the way it might help another guy down the road everything we post can’t be good all the time.
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Good choice @Rusty it ain’t fuckin worth, I use to eat til I felt like shit, and was pinning ED and was miserable, this is suppose to be fun and rewarding for most of us, however I was at my highest weight ever, but really wasn’t worth it
Amen to Fun!!! Unless it’s our Job (which should be fun too I love my job). This is my hobby my lifestyle. But am still gonna spend a little time trying to tweak thing to try and make it work. Tren is such a great compound and I would really like to use it again. So I’ll play with it a bit and let y’all know.
There other good ones to play with, and combos of things, haven’t done it in a bit but test, halo and proviron get me like a rock,ripped hard n tight all day, but halo is toxic so don’t use it much, although I have it
I wasn’t necessarily suggesting that combo for you but that’s what I found I like to replace tren sometimes