Riding the Tren Train

If something is liver toxic the glutathione will help keep the liver healthy, but it’s still toxic. The glutathione doesn’t change that.
Good to know. I am excited about my next cycle OP has lined up for me.



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I noticed you have no caber or Prami incorporated, that might be the issue here at hand. Also your Adex dose might be a tad high, I don’t see exactly what your test dosage is but 2mg a week is pretty high. Only time I raise my Adex that high is if I’m on over 700mg test ew. And with Proviron in the mix that also helps with estrogen levels. What you said about how your feeling is how I feel if I tank my estro, how’s your soldier doing? Can you get erect and stay erect?
I’m guess progesterone may be the guilty party. You’ve run NPP and Tren both are 19nor. Have you gotten labs like OP suggested? Make sure you get that checked as well.
When I run tren at a higher dose (5-600mg a week), I find myself getting lethargic by mid afternoon and want to drop kick everyone by the end of the day…
I’ve been running mix, pinning 1cc every mon and thurs, 80mg var daily, 4iu HGH, along side my TRT this cycle.
So far, 3 weeks in at a much lower dose, I haven’t felt lethargic and hardly edgy at all. Results are coming along nicely…
What I’m driving at is you’ll have to experiment on what works best for YOU.
Great to hear you have great self awareness, just gotta remember to check yourself from time to time.
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I don’t think I can say bc it’s
Not from a UGM sponsor. If you look up glutathione with the magnifying glass you will see where big murph did a write up on it and shows where he got it.
So my TRT doc doesn’t test for progesterone or prolactin. I’d have to do those separate.

My Test is at 1600 and my Estrogen is at 91. Estrogen seems high and Test seems low.

What do you think @BigSwole69 @NeuroRN @Bigmurph @Outlawthing.

Could it still be progesterone or prolactin. Should I start by adjusting the above blood results?
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