Russian knees go snap 😳

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I can’t watch stuff like that. I’ve seen stuff like that in person, it’s terrible. I’ve seen biceps rupture, quadriceps tears, lower legs snap, arms snap on bench press, pecs tear, equipment blow outs… it’s terrible. Luckily I only ever suffered a ruptured biceps tendon and a partial tear in a hamstring. I don’t blame my hip on powerlifting although it’s ultimately what ended my career
I still don’t like watching thing like this on video. Seems odd at times. In real life its surreal. But also you’re in a different mind set. My biggest problem I still have is the smells… I can sometimes sit here and remember the smells… that’s to me is burned in my head the worst. IDK. I think everyone is different when coping.
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Didn’t have the opportunity to get a bottle of Vick’s. 😂. I did however wrap my face tight as fuck in a shamaugh tho a couple of times. Still really didn’t do anything. And mouth breathing was the worst. Because you could literally taste it… making my anxiety act up a bit… I got to stop.
Yup @TBU smells do play a big part, diesel,and the smell of Iraqui people and there food… this weekend at my marine buddy’s wedding, my wife and I almost had table to ourselves and who had to sit by us,a Iraqui couple n there kid and I immediately whispered to my wife if I smell them, were moving.they were pretty cool though
I understand all that, it’s weird how shit can trigger anxiety, open mouth eaters do it to me. Had some shit happen when I was a little guy and the person always ate their food with their mouth open, drives me into a fucking rage now.
It is weird, and it’s shit that’s never gonna change, I’ve been debating on going to a regualr psych doc thru my insurance as opposed goin to the VA, I been off most meds for awhile and haven’t been to my normal therapist thru the va in a long time. Atleast then I can compare the level of care
I lived that and still love watching the videos. I asked to watch my shit implode after the workers said I didn’t look good hahaha
I have Tricare so I go to civilian docs. Switched out of VA to civilian docs. (Non VA docs) They are more willing to listen and not overworked. I started that 3 years ago and don’t pay a dime. I have med insurance through my company for my daughter (she’s 22) so with my blue cross blue shield and Tricare. Not a dime. My wife has said the last 3 years she’s seen an improvement in my well being and not so “in my own world” improvement. Anxiety and depression are rarely a problem now. I do notice if I drink too much, that’s not good tho. It’s worth the visit. Or try. It worked for me.
Thanks @TBU, I am definitely gonna go see a new one, my wife has said recently, well pretty much the opposite of what yours said, as to how I’ve been acting lately. Not anything like I use to, but it kinda creeps up on me, and everyone as in my Immediate and my own family sees it but me, sleep has been more shitty then normal, and at the same time, I don’t wanna be on A bunch a meds, or even worse,when I go to new doctor I imagine it’s gonna be like starting over again, I gotta tell them stuff or go back to the root of the problem, not to mention I’m a puss and will probably cry in front of them.
Wait till you get older… crying becomes part of the life. 😂. Check out a civilian. I think the VA will approve it now. Might start over but it will be worth it. Shit. At least the last 3 years I haven’t cried in front of my wife. Before I’d start leaking and she’d be what’s wrong? I’d just say nothing. I didn’t want to talk to her about it. Now little by little I talk. And she completely gets it now. The problem is they think it’s them. It’s not. You know that. Just got to realize it’s ok to cry now and then. No one expects you to be gung ho tight ass Marine every day for rest of your life. There was a time that was needed. Now it’s time to be a better man and help yourself for once. And the great thing about outside Docs. They aren’t so quick to med you up. And if they do it’s low dose and adjust. Not the zombie pills the VA likes to give you.
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