SB Labs

Russian knees go snap 😳

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@TBU and @John hey I appreciate you guys, it takes a lot of courage for you guys to put your shit out there in the open and you guys show us even as men and trained killing machines created by society that were are allowed to brake away from that false male role belief system and if we experience any emotions other then anger or if we cry we are not sissys we are humans with emotions. So thank you.
I have been practicing working on expressing myself instead of just being closed up with my wife and loved ones and it makes a
huge difference, instead of me just being a hard ass all the time lol
Hey that’s a gift man it allows people to get to know you better. I used to let no one get to know me lol it was bad.
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It’s funny I don’t talk to people till I do then they say too much. It maybe why I can’t find anybody cause I don’t when not to say things
well it’s hard not to be something you’ve conditioned yourself to be, it keeps people away,I’ve put off a “stay away vibe“ and aura so long, that it just comes natural, and tryin to turn it off so my wife and kid don’t feel alienated by me, is difficult and frustrating.
I use a app that allows me to text or video chat with my therapist. I think smells have the strongest connection, I’m not sure why. I know it’s totally different… but I can smell certain things and be right back in the most fucked up trauma surgery or in a burn patients room. I’m sure there’s some neuroscience behind it but most people associate smells with trauma and it’s a trigger.
Makes sense @NeuroRN and I’ll be dammed but even a sound that I don’t know will trigger a heightened state of awareness, or maybe that’s just a permanent hyper-vigilance reaction,which to be honest I like.
I only get that way at work… in my normal life when I hear a new sound it doesn’t always register- which is probably not a good thing now that I’m thinking about it.
It helps, I figure i depend a lot on my hearing just cause I don’t want people comin up on me and startle me,and it’s just a good overall way to pay as much attention to my surroundings, helps with huntin deer to
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