I hear some of the younger guys at the gym talking about SARMS, and even some of the guys my age and older who can get them easier than anything else… they all love them, but I’m not sold. I’ve said it before, on this forum, show me all the years of research on them and what their long term effects will be on my body, you can’t! If you don’t know what it could possibly do to your body in 1, 5, 10, 20 years, why risk it??? You can read all the research you want on any anabolic or androgenic compound and figure out pretty quick what some of the long term effects could be, and even ways to mitigate that, but with SARMS you can’t… I liken them to all the over the counter shit I remember guys raving about 10 and 20 years ago, I won’t name any but you guys that have been around know all the junk I’m talking about… I never liked that stuff either. Use the real thing, you won’t be disappointed, just make sure you educate yourself before you do… that’s the biggest problem, no one wants to educate themselves, so they take the easy route! Sorry for the rant, just my 2c